We Learn by Hearing...So Hear the Word!

Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle. (2 Thess. 2:15)

So much of what I learn is not by necessarily reading, but by hearing. It is by the preaching, especially by good priests that I am best formed and it is for this reason that I spend large amounts of time listening to recorded lectures and homilies and it is for this reason today that I am writing this entry.

I regularly visit a website, one which I found particularly edifying, entitled "Audio Sancto". It contains homilies spoken by well formed, loyal and orthodox Catholic priests and most any topic that a good Catholic could think of, and listening last night, I was especially moved by a particular homily dealing with the subject of love, entitled "What is ACTUAL Love". It dealt profoundly with the meaning of love and how one is to love God and neighbor, but even more how love transcends to very notions which are put forward by modern society and comforts that are expected.

In all honesty, my words or even summation, no matter the length, would not do any of the homilies justice, for the words of the priest in this or homily or any of the homilies on Audio Sancto far surpass my abilities; therefore, I would encourage any person looking to gain a more profound knowledge of their faith and to be edified to visit their website.

Blogger's note: I did not post the audio onto my page for a reason. It is the request of Audio Sancto that their homilies not be mirrored/hosted on other webpages; however, direct links can be given to homilies. Therefore, I have provided a link to a specific homily and to the main page. It is in good faith that they trust that people will honor their request and if you wish to share their material, please follow their requests. There are details on their website, as well as their kind request to pray for the priests who offer these homilies. I hope you will visit their page and I hope you will find it as rewarding as I have over the past year and half.


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