
Showing posts with the label Occult

A Journey Home

My body strung out on the couch and pain filled every part of me. This was the changing point of my life. I had thoroughly been a product of modern society, relativistic, an adherent to indifferentism, a modernist in many respects. Many until this point had regarded me as a very understanding guy, compassionate, knowledgeable of the world. In reality, I knew nothing. I was arrogant, filled with pride, and though I had love it was incomplete. I had to be completely humbled to realize my true identity and see the greatness of God who created me. As a child, I learned like most Catholics through Sunday school. I had been baptized at birth, received First Communion, but I wasn't instructed much beyond that. I can remember having a deep love for God, but I wasn't taken to Church very often and I was exposed to the occult. My parents practised Santeria, a practise as a child that I abhorred, but this would be my entrance into the world of the occult and my confusion about religion.