Diablolical Influence in US

It has often been said that Satan strikes at God by attempting to destroy that which is like Him, humanity. Keeping that in mind the words of Michael Voris ring true, especially as he speaks about diablolical influences on Obama: (Some excerpts from today's Vortex video)

So the master plan of the diabolical has been from its very inception .. the overturning of all that is natural. And by natural .. we don’t mean as in fallen nature .. but rather .. that which has been ordained by God .. as in .. according to its nature.

He [Obama] strikes at the heart of LIFE .. not by denying the RIGHT TO LIFE as much as VALUE OF LIFE. Before someone can be converted into a murderer .. he must be  convinced his victim’s life has little or no inherent value worth preserving.


Obama’s plan .. as it has always been is the reversal of that which is natural .. the metaphysical beauty of existence .. the glory of the genders .. the free exercise of rights given by God .. which he is bound to protect .. not deprive of. He does all of this at the service of his master for he is in possession of the diabolical mind .. whether he realizes it or not .. which seeks to invert nature so much so that .. the worship of the Satanic may have the way cleared for it.

 Take a listen and consider the influence of the demonic on present day society (United States)

Now this is not to say that I believe that the president is possessed, or that he is the devil, but what I am saying is that the influence of the demonic is evident in his actions. When one destroys or advocates for the destruction thereof, there is a degree of influence of demonic. When the dignity of the human person is obscured and an attitude is promulgated on such a large scale which is conducive to this mentality and promotes it there is indeed the finger prints of the evil one, and this means now more than ever that prayer is needed. Also, this means now, more than ever, that Christians must be active in the public square and vote in keeping with their conscience and in keeping with their faith, not merely by monetary concerns, nor politcal correctness, but with the tenets of their faith lest we sacrifice the unborn and dignity of the human being for some false notion of societal gain.


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