Opus Dei and the Tridentine Mass deserve respect not animosity and disdain

For the life of me, I cannot understand the animosity that I encounter from other Catholics. The animosity is not directed towards me, but is directed towards two things which I hold dear and close to my heart, the Latin Mass and Opus Dei. Before I continue, let me make it clear that I am not a member of Opus Dei, but I have great respect for its members and especially for its founder St. Josemaria Escriva, so my experiences and comments toward them are from non-member perspective. In regard to the Tridentine Mass, it should be understood that I wasn't brought up as a Traditional Catholic, nor was I taught Latin by my family. I began familiarize myself with the Tridentine Mass after my return to the Church and I studied Latin in university and on my own, but for all intents and purposes I was raised and taught the Novus Ordo.

I guess I will begin this discussion by mentioning my disdain for the apathetic comments that I hear about Opus Dei. Quite often as I journey and talk with fellow members of the Church, I will hear the words Opus Dei arise and faces will almost contort to a grimace. Yet, till this day, no one has been able to give me a solid answer as to why they would deserve such treatment. Yes, there are some who feel they are a bit conservative, but what is wrong in a world of modernistic decay to attempt to sanctify each moment of your daily life? Are we not all to try to be saints? It would seem that Dan Brown's definition has almost superimposed itself upon the group when, in fact, it is anything but what he demonstrated. If one were to ever participate in a recollection, speak with members, or even read the works of St. Josemaria, they would realize that this group is not something to be feared but embraced. Daily sanctification and lifting every action to God is an admirable thing and in this egotistical world, this very way of living is a way to conquer the non serviam cry. If you don't believe me, read for yourself http://www.escrivaworks.org/

Then there is the Latin Mass. I don't think I have ever heard anything as beautiful in the world as a sung Latin Mass. However, I find resistance to it everywhere I go. The most common reason I get from people is "I don't understand the language". I have a question for anyone who says this, have you tried? Have you sat down with a missal and looked over the Latin/Your Language translation to become familiar with it? Have you put in any effort at all? Do you really expect to learn it out of thin air? No, you can't possibly. Therefore, you have to think to yourself, did I learn the Novus Ordo out of thin air or did it take practice? And, I can easily answer that question for you. It took practice. It took years of observing and preparation that began when you were a child, so wouldn't it therefore take some effort to learn the Tridentine Mass?

Many people have forgotten there was a church that existed before Vatican II and the teaching and traditions are still valid including the Tridentine Mass. Many of our great saints celebrated that form of Mass and some were created as a result of it, so wouldn't it be a privilege to be able to participate in the same form? Why then should people resist what was the norm of the church for approximately 500 years. Further, I would recommend to anyone who says the Tridentine Mass is not inclusive to read the prayers of the Mass. It is true that the laity are not as verbal as in the Novus Ordo, but the prayers are more reverent and though we may pray quietly we give great respect to Christ. Also, you may wish to consider the humility which must be exhibited by both the laity and the priest in the Tridentine form, so before someone mocks the Tridentine Mass they should really take the time to explore the Mass and learn its fundamentals.

I guess deep down I have grown quite tired of people always striking at tradition or at what is traditional. Every time there is group or a movement which wants to promote a higher level of holiness or even give a form of Mass which is licit, but not well known, people comment with their negative modernity. Bottom line, if you are unfamiliar with it, please try to learn something about it before you open your mouth don't go on mere speculation or assumptions because as they say: "When you assume you make an ass of u and me".

Pax tecum.

Want to become more familiar with the Tridentine Mass: Traditional Latin Mass


Anonymous said…
Mr. Figueroa,
This is just a note to say "Thank you" for the work you are doing and the souls you are touching in a wonderful way through this blog.
God bless you.
Dear Anonymous: Thank you for your warm and touching comment. I had been feeling a bit disheartened lately, but your comment has helped to bring smile to my face and motivate me. I am greatly appreciative =)

God bless you.
Ellie said…

I've recently joined Opus Dei and I found out for myself how the rumours are ridiculously inaccurate.

I always look forward to Meditation and Benediction every Saturday and found Latin chants very relaxing.

I'd like to ask whether there are any Tridentine Masses in Singapore since I'd like to experience it for the first time.

Thank you.

God bless!
Hi Ellie,
I am happy to hear that you've enjoyed your experience with Opus Dei. Attending the reflections, benediction and other activities with them, in my experience, is usually quite fruitful. As far as Latin Mass, it is offered in the Archdiocese and is usually celebrated at St. Josephs Institute International, though there are other venues at time. This month the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be offered on August 9th @ 8pm (Ascension); Sunday, May 5th @ 4pm; and Sunday May 19th @ 4pm (Pentecost)- 490 Thomson Rd. @ the school chapel.
God bless you.
Hope you will be able to attend one. If you a Missal (1962) please do bring it but if not readings and missalette will be provided.

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