Healthcare: No Covenants with the Devil

Should we ever make a deal with the devil? Of course if I ask the question this way the answer is no. No one would in their right mind want to compromise their soul to eternal damnation and if they beheld his true form, the grotesqueness alone would be enough to kill; however, it is often forgotten that the devil is the master of lies and does not like to appear in his true form, but rather appears as an angel of light.

In most American households, we have the hidden grotesqueness of the prince of darkness entering the ears and minds of the faithful by words of politicians, media celebrities and writers and they quite convincingly say that everyone can have healthcare, but we only need relax one little scruple, the scruple which defends the innocent, and we must be willing to sacrifice one other thing...our soul.

Joining in this deception, we now have 'catholic' institutions such as hospitals and nuns [Catholic Group Supports Senate on Abortion Aid] saying to accept the proposal for healthcare that it will provide for the masses, but what they fail to acknowledge is that this proposal will be purchased with the blood of the innocent. The majority of Catholic Bishops, and rightly so, say that we must not accept this current proposal. We must not accept something that so egregiously embraces an intrinsic evil.

Abortion is an intrinsic evil, as its ultimate and final goal is the destruction of an innocent life. Consequently, the divine gift bestowed on husband and wife, created by the union of man and woman is destroyed and treated as nothing more than a mass of tissue through this process. In this fashion, the devil obtains his goal of belittling human existence and destroying what is sacred. So why is then that we are ready to make a deal with the devil with the blood of our young?

This present solution, as it is proposed, is not dealing with the greater problems of society or the corruption which has occurred within the economic system that has caused the current crisis in healthcare. The promotion of abortion, or non-exclusion thereof, in the present proposal is not healthcare, but a further reduction of the worth of the human being. Once the human being is reduced to soulless entity and a decision, it is only a short jump before euthanasia is considered a viable option for the elderly or the undesirable. Again, why compromise with evil? The devil has a plan and his words are smooth lies which lead one to a slippery slope of logic. Once on that slope, it is but a slide to the abyss of indifferentism, modernism, relativism and nihilism. It is only a short step before you are consumed in the darkness of deception and prideful arrogance, defying Holy Mother Church and succumbing to will of society.

In all actuality, the devil has hidden his appearance and has placed himself in the emotional guise of caring for your fellow man, but ponder deeply you will see that caring for your fellow man means going the extra distance and caring for and loving those in need. But, TRUE CHARITY (caritas) does not mean destroying those things which are difficult (unwanted children), population control or sacrificing the blood of the innocent upon the abortion altar to appease the evil one so that you may have healthcare. We can have the healthcare debate continue and patiently wait for an option which will not force us to sacrifice our young or our soul to the evil one, for if we are complicit in a sin, we take that sin upon ourselves.

Just to close, you may be sitting in your seat right now saying that this is easy for me to say because I am healthy; however, this couldn't be farther from the truth. I am actually very ill. I suffer from a multitude of problems which land me in the hospital a few times a year and I constantly have to see medical specialists for my illnesses. I know what it is like to have no money for medication and no money for doctor's visits. I also know what it is like to try to get treatment at a VA hospital and have to wait months to be seen. Yet, having been through this, I still would not compromise one innocent life so that I could see a doctor. I still would not sell my soul to make my life more convenient.

I have lived. If I die, it is the will of God, but who am I to allow the death of innocent so that I may see a doctor? I am sorry. I don't make deals with the devil! I will not be complicit! Will you?


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