Human Life International's, St. Michael the Archangel Campaign for the Conversion of Abortionists

Abortion is a plague upon society and every year we lose over 1,200,000 innocent souls in the United States alone. However, the number far exceeds 1,200,000 if you consider the number of abortions that occur due to abortifacient drugs/contraceptives, as many of these abortions are not reported or never known. Further, these abortifacients often have horrible side effects on women and can effect children whom they have later in life.

As I am sure, many of us speak out to others about our beliefs and try to present the truth and sanctity of human life to those whom we encounter. However what I wish to bring to your attention is The Human Life International, St. Michael the Archangel Campaign for the Conversion of Abortionists.

The Saint Michael prayer was originally composed by Pope Leo XIII and was a response to the great tribulations and evils that he knew would come to attack the Church. This prayer used to be recited at the end of every Low Mass, but what has been proposed is that people make a commitment to say this prayer once again at the end of every mass they attend for the conversion abortionists, as a way to counter the evil of the 'culture of death'.

If you are committed to the pro-life cause, please continue to fight. Please say the rosary and continue to reach out to those who have been deceived, but also consider, if you have not already, joining this campaign, and fighting the forces of evil. Especially, the plague of evil which is so volatile that it diminishes the sanctity of human life and reduces the value of life to a mere choice, instead of what it really is, a divine right to exist.

What could be a better Christmas gift than the gift of life to an innocent soul? What better way to honor Our Lord than to make a commitment to bring back wayward souls and preserve life in all its forms?

Pax tecum.


Anonymous said…
I can testify to the power of praying to St. Michael. People, if you want to see that light at the end of the tunnel, pray! Power is in unity, if we unite and pray, we will make a difference. God bless all.

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