'Catholics' For Choice spreading the lies of the Culture of Death

Wisconsin group argues Catholics can use contraception in good conscience (You can read the article at the posted link)

Catholics for Choice are at it again. They are once again claiming teachings contrary to Church belief, stating that Catholics can use contraception and Plan B in good conscience. However, the Church has been abundantly clear on the use of contraception and even more explicit on the sin of abortion. For the life of me, I cannot understand how they can readily proclaim to be Catholic, yet deny the fundamental truths of the Church.

There may be some who are unclear about Church teachings for one reason or another, so I will make it make it clear as day. I will bypass the Catechism of the Catholic Church and go straight to the Code of Canon Law. Canon 1398 proclaims that "a person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae [automatic] excommunication". There are no ifs, ands, or buts. Therefore, how can one have a good conscience if their very action would have them cut off from the Body of Christ? Further, one must consider that the Church would only move to excommunicate a person on the basis of a grevious and heinous sin, and what a horrific sin it is to destroy the life of an innocent.

Worse still is that groups likes Catholics For Choice are attempting to politicize the Church into liberal and conservative camps. Nevertheless, the truth must be acknowledged that the Church is neither conservative nor liberal, but is a deposit of faith and holds true to the teachings of Christ. Those who adhere to the Church's beliefs are not conservative but loyal to Christ and refuse to take on the deformed thinking of the modernist and relativist. The bottom line is that you are either Catholic or you are not. You either adhere to the faith and doctrinal teachings or you do not. This is not a pick and choose religion where one decides what is appropriate for them and disregards everythings else. It would seem that the people from 'Catholics' For Choice have forgotten that the Church has last say in discerning sacred scripture and in all matters of morals. They have also forgotten what all Catholics should be saying daily, The Act of Faith.

The Act of Faith
O My God! I firmly believe all the sacred truths the holy Catholic Church believes and teaches, because Thou hast revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.
The bottom line, if one still doubt anything I have mentioned, they only need to look at Humanae and Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, and many other church documents, and the position of the Church on abortion and contraception will shine like a light from the heavens. Dissidents cannot change that, nor will people stand by and allow them to spread their lies. I cannot stress enough how unCatholic their views are and in my opinion, I feel Canon 915 should be applied to them as a minimum penalty.
Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion. [I put in the emphasis]

'Catholics' For Choice knowing lead Catholics astray and refuse to submit to the authority of the Church; therefore, they should be penalized and most of all they should be forced to remove the title Catholic from their name, as it is seems intended to mock the universality of the Church when in fact the group is as Catholic as I am an atheist; further, the only choice they seem to make is to defy God and His commandments and put others in the proximity of sin. The irony of this situation is that all people have an ability to choose, but it would seem that with their choice they have chosen to choose mortal sin instead of the narrow path leading to salvation.

Pax tecum.

[Edit] I really should have included this in the body of my writing, but in my eagerness I forgot. This is part of the reason why my arguments focused so heavily on abortion.

[Excerpt] There is also evidence that, depending on the timing of Plan B relative to ovulation, the drug may act as an abortifacient by indirectly altering protein levels in the uterine lining so the week- old embryo cannot implant to receive nutrition from his or her mother. Girls and their parents deserve the truth about Plan B—not more deception and wishful thinking.


Unknown said…
It's always interesting the things people make up as they go along. What do they think gives them the power to proclaim this drift away from the Church's teachings? It's like the catholics that believe they don't have to go to confession cause of their own surperior relationship with God.
Sadly John, some people prefer the non serviam and will try to lead others to do the same. With that mentality they will also manipulate God's teachings to their wants instead of conforming themselves to God's will. It is sad, but ultimately is pride, ignorance or a combination of the two that allow these things to happen.
Andrea said…
I wish these people would realize that there are plenty of other "tolerable" religions out there that accept their views. Goodness, one just can't have one foot in Catholicism and the other in secular views!
In other news, have you heard of some buzz going around that the USCCB has been receiving input on certain issues from an openly homosexual woman? There's an article on it here: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=17956
It's understandable that lay persons would go astray when their bishops can not even stay follow the fundamentals themselves!
I hadn't heard about this and it is highly disturbing. Nevertheless, I think many us are aware that there have been forces at work inside the Conference that have aligned themselves with parties which are against the moral beliefs of the Catholic Church. There is no doubt that the Pontiff is aware of these influences and this probably the reason why he has struggled to bring back the SSPX and regain the Traditional Anglican Communion. Hopefully, these talks will continue to be prosperous and help the Church return to a more orthodox spirit.

Despite all this, I think we should pray regularly that our priest, religious and laity not be taken in by wiles of Satan and be edified by the Vicar of Christ.

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