Pro-Life Response to the "Blog for Choice" Day

 Full text at: Announcing the “Ask Them What They Mean By ‘Choice’ Blog Day,” January 21!

Excerpt From: Jill Stanek's Blog         
How dare they celebrate the upcoming 38th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision with their ambiguous claptrap.
Over 50 million babies have been killed in America since that terrible day, most certainly nothing to cheer about, unless you’re in Rome at the Colosseum perhaps.

So pro-life bloggers are banding together to sponsor a counter “Ask Them What They Mean When They Say ‘Choice’ Blog Day” on the same day, January 21.
If you would like to partake as a blogger for the event go to the above mentioned link and contact Jill Stanek, but even if you are not blogger, you can still participate on the day by engaging those who promoting the culture of death. Visit her blog site to read more.

Let us all answer the call and support life, especially on day which made manifest legal in the United States the holocaust of our most innocent and vulnerable. It is not a day celebrated, but lamented as abortion has already claimed the lives of over 50 million babies.

In life we are able to choose many things, but we should not ever be able to choose to end the life of an innocent vulnerable child.


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