Pro-Life is not Anti-choice

January 22nd commemorates a dark day in history, the legalization of abortion in the United States. Since that day the termination of life of the most innocent in society has been an acceptable practice. Today, many people will be blogging to celebrate that ‘choice’ hidden under the guise of reproductive freedom answering National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League’s (NARAL) call to blog for choice. I, however, am writing to the contrary, as I believe that many things that are hidden under the guise of ‘reproductive freedom’ are really things that exploit women and attack those who are most innocent in society, babies.

There are many women and men who look to abortion as an escape from the natural consequence of the reproductive act, conception. It can be understood that many people are not ready to have children and are fearful of the hardships that they believe will occur because of the child coming into the world, but in the process of seeking their escape, they terminate a life. This life is not a tumor or just a lump of cells but a human being in development, which contains the DNA from both parents and would in course develop to what we see walking about in the world, human beings.

The fact that the baby is inside the womb does not make it less human than any other; rather, it is just going through one of the many stages of development that all of us who are living in the world today have had to pass through. The unfortunate circumstance is that because the child in the womb cannot speak to the world, it can be discarded, especially when those who should love it most and protect it advocate for its death. Yet, in the United States, the many reasons that people seek abortion are not due to rape or incest, which is so often claimed as a reason to have abortion legal, but because they are not prepared financially, or just not ready to have children.

Some may be reading my words at this point and saying that I am “anti-choice”, but on the contrary, I support choice; however, I do not support choices which exploit or destroy the most vulnerable in society. I do not support choices that do not give that child in the womb a choice to live. I do not support choices that take advantage of the most vulnerable in society and lead them to the belief that destroying their child is the best option in order to lead a comfortable or better life, especially those initiatives which seem to focus upon minority populations.

For those who deny the truth, this is a baby, a human life. Do not be deceived.

When we speak about choice, we should note that the parents of a child had a choice, whether or not to participate in sexual intercourse, and they have other choices like adoption they can make instead of ending the life of an innocent human being, but ethical decisions require the person to look at something which amounts to more than their desires for freedom or stability, the respect for human life.

There are many things in life that we may not have to bear with, and carrying a child is indeed tedious whether the child is desired or not, but killing an innocent human being should never be a means by which to acquire our ends or escape the realities of life.

Amazingly, in the United States, a criminal is allowed many protections under the law, especially those who are being tried in capital cases or have been sentenced to death. They are given appeals at the government’s expense to attempt to ensure that an erroneous execution is not taking place, but what of those in the womb? What wrong have they done? What protections are they given?

I believe in rights and choices, but a criminal has chosen his path in most cases and despite his negative choices he is allotted opportunities to save his life, but what of that unborn child? What opportunity is that child given?

I must oppose those actions which lead women to believe that tearing apart a child in their womb or ingesting carcinogenic chemicals is a means by which they obtain freedom. The consequences of those actions are numerous, as they can lead to infertility and/or cancer. There can also be psychological ramification as result of abortion, for example depression, and there are many women who give testimonies to their guilt and remorse for killing their child(ren) in the womb and speak of their depression.

I believe in a woman’s right to choose. She can choose to keep her baby or not, but it is wrong to be able to choose whether to kill her baby or not. A life is a life and the barrier that exists between the womb and the outside world should not be the deciding factor of whether you are allowed an opportunity to live or be murdered. Human life is precious in all its forms, so let us make choices that truly respect the dignity of the human person not those that lead to death and the destruction of women and children.

Please visit: to see the list the many other bloggers who are answering the call to defend life on such a dark day in history.


M Hastings said…
"I must oppose those actions which lead women to believe that tearing apart a child in their womb or ingesting carcinogenic chemicals is a means by which they obtain freedom."

This. A thousand times THIS. We put shackles on our own wrists when we cut God from our lives.

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