The Presence is Real (Video from American Life League)

I happened to wake this morning and find this video attached to an email from the American Life League (ALL). I was taken back by its imagery and its powerful message and felt that it would an important thing to share.

Please remember to pray for our lost brethren who erroneously believe abortion is compatible with Christian morals and doctrine, despising His precepts and following the way of the world, and also for those who insult our Lord in the most Holy Eucharist by denying His real presence and/or receiving Him in a state of mortal sin.

Cor Iesu Sacratissimum, miserere nobis.

Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart

From American Life League:

From the moment of consecration, Christ is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. We do not see Him as we see other people, but He is there, body, blood, soul and divinity. Even though we cannot see Him, He is always with us in the Blessed Sacrament.

From the moment of creation, a person is truly present. We can't see him or her as we see other people, but the whole person is there. Unique DNA can be detected, which will determine his or her physical and mental characteristics.

There is a striking similarity between the number of Catholics who support abortion (40-47 percent) and those who do not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (43 percent). Thus, we must pray and fast for intellectual, spiritual, and psychological healing for baptized Catholics who have strayed from the truth.


Unknown said…
Amen I say. I love this video, if only these politicians who are nothing but hypocrites would see it and look within themselves and admit they are true hyprocrites!

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