Nancy the Heretic invokes St. Joseph?

Ah...the heretic speaks and utters more of her blasphemous rhetoric, distorting the patron of the Holy Family.

It is utterly contemptible how this woman, who claims to be so well versed in Catholicism, still she opens her mouth so ignorantly; further, she boasts of letters by religious nuns, but the USCCB has already condemned such support of the bill so what is she trying to prove? Is she trying to show that the bill is legitimately Catholic?

There is another cause which St. Joseph is invoked for and that is for a happy death, and it would seem that this would be more appropriate in this situation considering the ramifications of this woman's actions (and those like her) and what abortion does; it kills the innocent. Sadly, there is nothing happy about the way many of these preborns die.

I say this...if she and the many like her are so adamant about getting the healthcare bill passed there is a simple solution. Drop your support of abortion. It is supposed to be healthcare not deathcare, and she needs to quit this Catholic charade. She has been admonished from everyone from the Pope on down, but she thinks she knows better. Yet, she fails to realize that St. Joseph did all he could to protect the child Jesus from Herod. Does she think for one moment that he would pray for her intention to kill the young?

She boasts about the religious order of sisters who taught her are giving her support for the bill. Well, I have a suggestion. She and those 'sisters' should go back, rid themselves of the liberal ideological compromises and take a refresher in Moral Theology. YOU DO NOT COMPROMISE THE INNOCENT FOR THE GREATER GOOD! ENDS DO NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS, AND THE MEANS HERE MEAN THAT MILLIONS MORE BABIES WILL DIE!

Innocent blood should not be spilled so the death peddler agenda can be achieved and radical feminism can sow its seed (which distorts the beauty of the female body to a mere possession). In the long run, not only will this damage the souls of the people, but will cause the decline of a people. Abortion has already been tied to cancer, as have the use of birthcontrol pills. We already have a generation that treats its body in a negligent manner because they are taught to undervalue its sanctity, and now we have governement officials trying to pay back their financial backers by including them into the healthcare scheme (Planned Parenthood).

Nancy Pelosi, we see your lies. You can claim to be Catholic, but we know a person by the fruit they produce and you produce death. Quit trying to corrupt our flock and sneak the smoke of Satan into our ranks. Mind your tongue and walk elsewhere, as God is not your priority in life, but your idols of greed, power and death.


Anonymous said…
All I can say is "how dare she?" What a hypocrite. How can she think that it's ok to play on both sides of the ballfield? She needs to do some deep soul searching because her soul is definitely not a clean one.

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