I Say Excommunicate Them!

Where is the backbone? 94% of Catholic Democrats voted in favour of the healthcare bill, despite it being at odds with their Catholic faith. I think it is far past the time of gentle words which attempt to ease our lost brethren back to the flock and time to cut them off. Some may disagree with me on this contention, but political life and religious life are not separate; in fact, the political life gives one the opportunity to further demonstrate their religious fervour and spread religious truth, but what we have seen is a throng of gutless politicians who have abandoned Catholic moral teaching and voted against the religious guidance of the Catholic Bishops and majority of Catholics in America.

Time and time again, these so called ‘catholic’ politicians have voted in favour of expanding abortion, contraception, but this by far is greatest extension of the law in favour of abortion that has been done since Roe v. Wade, and they had a role to play in it. One can argue about the moral good and the necessity of insurance coverage for those in need; however, when one takes into account the number of deaths which result from lack of coverage and compares that to number of deaths that result from abortion in the United States annually, it is severely dwarfed.

There are approximately 1.2 million abortions annually in the United States, not including those that result from contraceptives or are unreported. We can expect that number to grow with the expansion of federal funding toward Planned Parenthood and subsidizing of abortion. As Catholics, we are called to defend the innocent and how is that we would be such a thing by endorsing a practice that kills over one million children a year. That is not even taking into account the denigration of the human body. These politicians have now played an active role of not only breaking away from Catholic moral teaching, but also leading others en masse to a practice that will have destructive results not only on the preborn, but on the human population in the long-run.

It is time that these politicians be cut off from the flock. We are supposed to always be compassionate and forgiving, but a line has to be drawn and I believe they have drawn it. They utterly rejected pleas from the people, from the priests, from the laity and from the bishops to reject this bill because of its moral implications; nevertheless, they chose to think in a worldly manner and disregard all those considerations. Further, no thoughts were given to where they would be leading the people, except to their own modernistic vision founded in Obama’s dream world. The bottom line is that one cannot serve both God and mammon. They have chosen to serve mammon, and they have chosen to sully the Catholic name.

Many people have asked that canon 915 be enforced, but I feel that we are well beyond that. The penalty of excommunication should be put in place, as these politicians do not care for the Church nor her teachings, and this is not a matter of enforcing Catholicism in politics; rather, it is matter of those who proclaim being Catholic in public living up to what they say, not misguiding those around them and not corrupting the teachings of the Church. Their lifestyle alone gives the impression that one can live two separate lives, one in church and one outside of church, which is utterly false. Our lives are supposed to remain the same. We are sent out at the end of Mass to proclaim the gospel not to hide it behind worldliness for the accolades of the public.

What is even more detestable is the number of so called religious who have also gone against the Bishops, most notably Sr. Kehaan. I truly hope that she will enjoy her pen of death which she is receiving from Obama. She and the other sisters who so adamantly supported this bill should be ashamed of themselves, for the cost of this bill will be far greater than anything that could have been imagined. It seems more in line to be a sacrifice to Moloch to gain the reward of health than anything else. The blood of our youth will be spilled to appease the death peddlers, but in the long run you must consider how much a life is worth.

If one thinks that a life is priceless and that is why we need such reforms, and that suffering is horrible, and that is why we need such reforms; then, consider that the children in the womb will be torn apart, decapitated, and sucked out of the womb. Their suffering will be immense, but you will not be able to hear their screams, but more of them will die a year than all the people combined in the US for lack of health insurance. You have all, in fact, made a deal with the devil, and will be made to pay the price in due time. It also must be added that you all are not fit to carry the name Catholic, as you have abandoned our tenets and betrayed our way of life, making our innocent little ones to suffer an immense burden for your selfishness, and many of our young will surely be led astray as modernist tripe is allowed to spread because of your support for their funding. Lies under the guise of reproductive health will now reach deeper into the flock and you have yourselves to thank.

There is little doubt that things needed to be changed in healthcare, but never were we supposed to suffer our little ones to this type of fate for our benefit. May God have mercy on us all.


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