Send the Raccolta Prayer for Catholic Politicians to Change Hearts

Recently, there has been an upsurge of 'catholic' politicians speaking out against the Church on moral issues. They have erroneously concluded that their conscience is superior to the guidance of the Church, though neglecting the fundamental reality that their conscience is erroneously guided. Further, some have supposed that their office separates them from their duties as Catholics, when they are acting in the capacity of governmental official. However, this is also wrong.

To be a Catholic is to lead a life that was set forth by Christ, passed down to His apostles and to His Church. It is method of living which has ingrained into it a deep moral tradition which cannot be ignored. To be a Catholic Christian means to show Christ in all you do, not only on Sunday when you are before parishioners. From the Mass, we are sent out to love and serve the Lord, not to subdue our religious fervor or belief to appease others.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi [click to read Catholic Without a Clue] has not quite seemed to grasp the fact that she cannot serve two master and has tried to manipulate Catholic teachings to serve her needs and there are many others. Rep. Rosa DeLauro [Click to read an article on her by the Catholic News Agency] has decided to throw her two cents into the ring and tell the US Bishops to compromise on Catholic truth and morality, something that could never be done. Quite frankly, I do not understand how so many of these supposedly catechised Catholics can open their mouths so recklessly and fail to realize that they are undermining divine truth. By promoting abortion, contraception, homosexual marriage and erroneously preaching that one's religious identity is separate from one's political identity, they are subverting morals and virtues and promoting a sinful nature. The true fact is if someone truly believes in their religion, their moral code could never be taken away from them no matter the circumstance. This would only happen if that person would submit to the way of the world. However, I am not going to write another piece on erroneous conscience, as I have already done that [Archbishop Listecki, Young Catholics for Choice and Erroneous Conscience] and I have talked about submission to sin [The Throne of Sin], so I will not beat a dead horse.

Instead of my usual banter, what I wish to give you now is something for your consideration, and if this is something that you think you can use, please copy it and mail it to your nearest dissident Catholic politician. The prayer that I am about to share is from the Raccolta [click here for definition].

Composed by Pope Leo XII

Great and eternal God, Creator and Lord of all things, foremost Legislator and supreme Ruler, all power emanates from Thee and depends on Thee; and those whose duty is to legislate, determine in Thy name what is just or unjust, as a reflection of Thy divine wisdom. Therefore we, the Catholic members of parliament (Congress) and Catholic politicians, upon whom rests the burden of a grave responsibility that places us at the center of the whole nation, implore Thy aid for the fulfillment of our office that we intend to accept and exercise for the greater spiritual and material welfare of our people.

Grant us such a sense of duty as will cause us to omit no preparation or effort for the realization of this noble end. Grant us also that objectivity and sound realism which will guide us on every occasion to a clear perception of that which seems best. Grant that we may never deviate from that sound impartiality which dictates that we labor without unjust preferences for the good of all. Grant also that we may never fail in loyalty to our people, nor in firm adherence to the principles which we openly profess, nor in the noble resolve to preserve ourselves above all possible corruption and base selfish ambition.

Help us to be calm in our deliberations and to be immune from all passion except such as is inspired by the honest quest after truth. May our resolutions be in conformity with Thy precepts even if the service of Thy will should demand sufferings and sacrifices. May we, even in our own little way, endeavor to imitate that rectitude and holiness according to which Thou in Thy providence dost direct and govern everything for Thy greater glory and for the true well-being of human society and of all Thy creatures.

Hear us, O Lord, in order that our minds may never be without Thy light, nor our wills without Thy strength, nor our hearts without the warmth of Thy love, for we ought to have a tender love for our people. Keep far from us every form of human ambition and every kind of lust for illicit gain. Inspire us with a real, lively and profound sentiment of what constitutes a sound social order wherein full regard is had for law and justice. Finally as a supreme reward grant us some day to enjoy Thy blessed presence for all eternity, in union with all those who have been entrusted to our care. Amen.

Hopefully, if our fallen away Catholic politicians meditate upon and recite this prayer, they may grow in spirituality and religious fervor. As this prayer, like most great things in our religion, requires a great degree of humility and submission to the will of God and to the body which helps to make it manifest, the Church. May our dissident brethren have a change of heart and convert themselves to the light of truth, and truly realize to be Catholic is much more than a name, but a way of life.

Pax tecum.


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