A New Year's Resolution

Are you looking over the last year and lamenting over all the things that you've done wrong? Is your heart heavy with sadness at the start of this new year? Do you feel like you want to get the weight of the world off your shoulders and be right with God?

Well, I have two solutions for you....

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

What better way to be reconcilled with Our Lord and have one's soul filled with life? It is this beautiful Sacrament that allows us to demonstrate humility in that we must expose our true sinful nature to another, but more so, we must seek Our Father's forgiveness. However, we must remember to approach Him with contrition, a true feeling of remorse for our wrong doings, and a longing to be closer to Him. With this beautiful Sacrament, we are once again alive and able to continue the battle against our sinful nature and seek Christian perfection.

But why stop at confession? Why not let this new year abound with graces and make the resolution to attend Mass regularly. It is in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that we see Christ manifest in the Eucharist. Participating in Mass also helps people to turn away from the things that cause unhappiness. More times than not, the things which cause us to be unhappy are those things which focus on the temporal world, but when one's life is focused on the spiritual, on Christ, the temporal things lose importance. Quite simply, we often have or desire those things which society says we should have, but put aside those things which Our Lord says is necessary.

The Holy Mass

By starting the new year renewed in God, we open ourselves to new possibilities. We open ourselves up to God and growing in Him. It gives to us a new year where we will not be alone, but fighting our battles with Our Heavenly Father by our side, and when you have company like that nothing is impossible, especially ridding yourself of a tumultuous or arduous past, or a sinful life.

Remember, there is no sin too big which God will not forgive or too small for that matter and that love of God is boundless and He loves you no matter who you are or what you have done. He always welcomes you with open arms, so why not accept His embrace and walk with Him and discover that nothing is impossible when you choose God.


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