I Love My Wife!


For those of you who read this blog regularly, you know that I have mentioned that I am ill, and I must say that in this modern world I am quite blessed to have a woman who stands by me, despite my frequent sickness.

When she first met me, I was not exactly the epitome of health; however, I was in great shape and had none of the medical conditions that I have today. As our relationship developed, I was diagnosed with a variety of problems to include hemiplegic migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, and severe allergies. The allergies are so severe that they force me to carry around an Epi-pen. Still, my wife, then my fiance, remained by my side and married me, and I have to say that I am quite blessed, as I believe many would not have endured such a tumultuous relationship let along the distance that we had to endure, 10,000 miles (the distance from Singapore to New York).

My wife has demonstrated to me the true gift of self-giving. She tirelessly prepares meals for me, to include breakfast, lunch and dinner, as I can never eat outside food. She always ensures that I am taken care of, whether it be my appointments with medical specialists, getting my medication, or shopping for my special diet. Day in and day out, she is on her feet. In addition to the things she does for me, she still manages to work part-time as a tutor and give her all guiding children and parents in education and morality.

I have to say that I can become a little complacent in all that she does for me, but my wife did something out of the ordinary last night for me. It is hard to imagine something out of the ordinary, as she already does so much and I would surely fall apart without her love and companionship, but she surprized me.

We were doing our prayers together, and she normally follows my lead when it comes to prayer, but she does not pray in Latin. It is something that she is a bit uncomfortable with because she has never studied the language, but last night, as we prayed from the Raccolta, we came to the Credo. I normally say this prayer in Latin, and I asked her if she would oblige me, not only did she oblige me, but she first attempted to say the prayer on her own and had me correct any mistakes that she made. Then she asked me to go through line by line and explain the prayer and what was being said. I had to explain the Latin word endings to her, but I was so taken back by her gesture of kindness. She prays to honor God and not to appease me, but she did it in Latin to make me happy. She has learned in recent years how important it is to me to say prayers that are not too modern in language and full of reverence and I was completely moved again of how giving she is.

I am truly a blessed man. I have a woman who gives me so much, yet asks of me so little. I am thankful to God for joining us in marriage and for helping us to grow in faith and love. This work is not my normal apologetics, convert the sinner, repent entry; rather, I just want the world to know that I am a happy man and a blessed man and I have greatest thanks to my Lord for bringing me together to such a loving, giving, reverent person, and that no matter how well you think you know your spouse, she can always surprize you.


Nick Chui said…
Dear Louis

Glad to hear that Maria is treating you so well. May you love her as Christ loved the Church!

God's Blessings
Pennycake said…
and as Joseph loved Mary! =p
wow, 10 000 miles!! Now the 4000 miles my bf & I have to endure pales in comparison.. how long did you have to be apart?
may St. Ubaldus Baldassini's prayers be with you!
hrm, I can't find a saint who's officially a patron against allergies.. but St. Bernadette gets mentioned a fair bit in relation to that 'cos she had asthma.
Happy St. Macrina the Elder's Day! =D
4,000 miles is still a daunting distance. I know how difficult distance can be. My wife and I had a long distance relationship for about 3 years. I will be sure to include you and your b/f in my prayers as you deal with being this time of being seperate from each other.

As far as allergies, I am not quite sure who the patron is, but I rely on Our Lady and awful lot for that one, as well as Saint Michael. =)

Oh, thank you for saint reference for migraines. I was completely unaware of that one. =)

Pax tecum.

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