A Thought on "Inscrutabili Dei Consilio"

There has undoubtedly been a war waged on behalf of the Church for the salvation of souls. This war has been made all the more evident not by current events, but by the writings of Pope Leo XIII.

There is little doubt that evils are running amok in society, and these very evils are shaking the ramparts of our church; however, many of these same evils were made evident back in 1878 in the papal encyclical Inscrutabili Dei Consilio - "On The Evils Affecting Modern Society". The great pope spoke of the "subversion of the primary truth on which [human society is based]". The primary truth being that of God and His church.

It is honestly hard to note that this encyclical is over 100 years old, as it reads like a modern piece, and it is ever relevant to recent current events. Pope Leo XIII spoke of the relegation of marriage in civil society from a great sacrament to a mere civil contract; additionally, applying his writings further you can truly see how they mark the coming of abortion and its deceitful nature, genocidal wars, or you can apply it to recent events in the United States where the Connecticut legislature attempted to take control of churches in Bridgeport away from the priests and give them to committees.

The fact of the matter is that Leo XIII seemed to know the great turmoil that would swallow our society and it was one of the reasons why he composed the prayer to Saint Michael. Therefore, it is with great encouragement that I say to my Catholic brothers and sisters to take the time and read his words. They are a stern warning against modernism and its many false teachings, but also a most excellent guide to help you follow the path of Christ in this most chaotic world.

Dominus Vobiscum.

EDIT: (A further example of the world gone amok: Following atheist trend, Britons seek 'de-baptism')


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