Praying for Others

Days and days pass by and I cannot help but notice how little attention the secular media gives to the persecution of Christians throughout the world. Our brothers and sisters have been attacked in Iraq, India, China, Egypt, and countless other places, yet hardly is word ever mentioned on the mainstream media. Quite honestly, I wouldn't expect it to be, as there is no money in supporting Christian causes and we have to face that most media corporations are businesses. Nevertheless, we must take note that our clergy, laity, religious and churches have been under attack ranging from the Americas to China.

My reason in writing this is not to call people to arms, rather it is to call people to put their hands together. I am sure that many of us pray, but I think it is important for us to take that extra step and make sure that we pray for our priest, religious, missionaries, the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and all Christians. Of course our daily prayers should include much more, but I am just emphasizing that this be included, especially in light of the re-arrest of Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo of Zhengding, China. Our brothers and sisters in China have endured great hard ship giving witness to the faith and we should make an extra effort to ensure that they and the many like them are being prayed for. (If you would like you can read this article which talks about the re-arrest of the bishop: Vatican says arrest of Chinese bishop creates obstacles to dialogue)

If you would like to pray for the Sovereign Pontiff, the Roman Catholic Church, Priest, Religious and Lay People, but don't know the words, I will suggest some prayers.

For the Sovereign Pontiff
O God, the Pastor, and Governor of all the faithful, mercifully regard thy servant Pope Benedict XVI, whom thou hast placed as chief pastor over Thy Church; grant, we beseech Thee, that both by word and example he may edify all those under his charge; that, together with the flock committed to his care, he may arrive at life everlasting: through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

For the Holy Catholic Church
Defend, O Lord, Thy servants, we humbly beseech Thee, from all dangers of body and soul: and by the prayers of the glorious Virgin Mary, of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all Thy saints, grants us the mercies of peace and safety, that, all adversities and errors being removed, Thy Church may serve Thee in secure liberty: through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer for Missionaries
Lord Jesus Christ, watch over Your missionaries - priests, religious, and lay people- who leave everything to give testimony to Your Word and Your Love. In difficult moments sustain their energies, comfort their hearts, and crown their work with spiritual achievements. Let the adorable image of You crucified on the Cross, which accompanies them throughout life, speak to them of heroism, generosity, love and peace. Amen.

Prayer for Priests
Almighty Father, grant to these servants of yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew within them the spirit of holiness. As co-workers with the order of bishops may they be faithful to the ministry that they receive from You, Lord God, and be to others a model of right conduct.

May they be faithful in spreading the good news, so that the words of the Gospel may reach the ends of the earth, and the family of nations, made one in Christ, may become God's one, holy people. Amen

Prayer for All People
O Lord, we bring before You the distress and dangers of peoples and nations, the pleas of the imprisoned and captive, the sorrows of the grief-stricken, the needs of the refugees, the impotence of the weak, the weariness of the despondent, and weakness of the aging. O Lord, stay close to all of them. Amen.

-And of course the Rosary is always a most excellent tool to pray for others: How to say the Rosary-

Dominus Vobiscum.
EDIT: (Further persecution of our brothers in Christ. Just food for thought: Paramilitary group gives ultimatum to Catholic parish in Rio de Janeiro)


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