Et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis (And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us). This is a great demonstration of the love and humility possessed by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, yet I find myself walking the streets of Singapore surrounded by an endless barrage of sales and secular symbols of Christmas. How my heart laments over the disregard of a such a momentous sacrifice bestowed upon man by a loving God who has found himself replaced by idols of materialism and capitalism. Our great Creator humbled himself to come into human form and as if this action were not enough, He came into this world in the most humble of circumstances; the son of a carpenter, born in a manger, destined to lead a life of simplicity. Being the King of Kings, He could have easily come into this world in a prominent social family, but He chose to lead by example. Humility and charity would also be demonstrated by the Virgin Mary, His most blessed and chaste mother. Their...
After a very long hiatus, I have decided I will start writing again. The stress of where I thought the Church was going and what I hoped was erroneous thinking on my part stopped me. I, honestly, was also a bit fearful to tread that ground, but I think it is time for me to write as I would like after many years. I will start sharing my thoughts again and not worry so much as I did in the past. God bless.
How sad are the times when the youth are openly corrupted. It is a travesty that young boys, aged between 12-14, will no longer be led down the road of self-restraint, but will now have a means to give into their base passions. Condoms provide only a means to self-gratification and a path to incomplete love. Sadly, these youth will be given this illusion as a means to an end and will be deluded into thinking that this action is love or will be trapped in the sin of lust. Have people really given up on the young and abandoned them to their lustful desires at their most vulnerable time, when they are at peak of the battle their hormones and are discovering life? Instead of children being taught the dignity and honor of their bodies, they are being taught how to defile it. It is truly a sad day. Read the excerpt from the article printed in Mail Online. To get get the full text, either click the link or copy and paste the link at the bottom of the page. ...