Prayer of Husband or Wife
I often say that a family that prays together will stay together, and it is important for spouses to pray for each other and for themselves. Therefore, I am sharing this prayer. It is one I often recite and I hope will be of great benefit to others. Prayer of Husband or Wife O God, who has ordered the holy state of matrimony, wherein I am engaged, grant me grace to comply with all its obligations, and to perform them in such a manner as is becoming a Christian, not an unbeliever. Preserve my love undefiled, according to Thy divine command, and let the duty of love help to conduct me with comfort through all the obligations and difficulties of my state. Grant me discretion to manage all circumstances for the best; a true love for peace; and such a discreet compliance as to resign my own thoughts and inclinations for preserving it. Inspire me with true humility and patience that I may submit to and bear with all crosses in the manner the apostle requires. Furnish me with all othe...