
Showing posts from February, 2012

Prayer of Husband or Wife

I often say that a family that prays together will stay together, and it is important for spouses to pray for each other and for themselves. Therefore, I am sharing this prayer. It is one I often recite and I hope will be of great benefit to others. Prayer of Husband or Wife O God, who has ordered the holy state of matrimony, wherein I am engaged, grant me grace to comply with all its obligations, and to perform them in such a manner as is becoming a Christian, not an unbeliever. Preserve my love undefiled, according to Thy divine command, and let the duty of love help to conduct me with comfort through all the obligations and difficulties of my state. Grant me discretion to manage all circumstances for the best; a true love for peace; and such a discreet compliance as to resign my own thoughts and inclinations for preserving it. Inspire me with true humility and patience that I may submit to and bear with all crosses in the manner the apostle requires. Furnish me with all othe...

Receive Holy Communion on the Tongue

Sobering words  by Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider For anyone who has not read his book, Dominus Est, I would strongly suggest you pick up a copy, especially if you would like to learn about how to reverence the Eucharist.

Positive Progress through Prayer

I am a person who encourages praying the rosary ; in fact, if you look around the blog a little, you will find me mentioning it a number of times and this is another testimony of the power of the Rosary and prayer. About 2 or 3 weeks ago, my family, meaning not just my wife and I but my mother-in-law, and brothers-in-law began coming together every evening to pray. Most every nights we will all pray the Rosary together, but there has been a night or two where we have said Divine Mercy because one of us was really too tired to meditate or pray. I can attest that our home has become more peaceful than it has been in long time, but what is even more amazing and why I say there is positive progress is that my youngest in-law has been utterly motivated to pray. Normally I would say that he is apathetic to prayer, but he is the one who has been the go getter every night to get everyone to pray, and today as we come to the first Friday of Lent, he is the one encouraging everyone to not only...

Knocking My Head

As my week comes towards its close and I have my catechism lesson draws near, I am once again bashing my head against the wall. I am not doing it because I do not have a lesson plan. On the contrary, I know exactly what I am teaching my kids. We are continuing our lessons regarding the development of the Bible (Thank God for videos). After last week’s lesson, they seemed to have had their eyes opened in being exposed to how the Bible was compiled and the difficulty that existed in sorting the numerous gnostic works which were around from legitimate works. Many, in my opinion, had not understood that fact that preaching pre-dated the writing of the books of the New Testament and that there was no Bible as we know it for many of the early Christians. But, I am digressing.   Knocking my head… In the last two years, there has been a change in the Catechetical syllabus; or rather there is an attempt to create an Archdiocesan syllabus. I think this is a good thing, but it is s...

Ramblings on Ash Wednesday

These are my thoughts for today... (Having given up Facebook I have to put them Adhering to a religion is logical and even Pascal noted the higher probability of God's existence than not existing. Adhering to Catholicism is my moral compass! It is the means by which all other things are judged and weighed. Using my moral judgement is NOT IMPOSING my religion, especially when I can logically support my claims by other means. Again, my Catholicism is my moral compass, but I do not need to cite it per se to show you the truth! For example, when discussing the baby in the womb. I came to respect that life initially because my Catholicism, as I think all human life is sacred; however, through modern embryology it can be shown that what is growing the womb is a human life. I believe in justice, and I think most people do too. I believe in law be applied in a fair way too all people, so is it that far fetched then that I believe that the right to life is...

Off FACEBOOK for Lent

Every year, I go off Facebook for Lent and I usually put up a picture on my profile to reflect that. This year, I kind of played with a picture to make it more my own and I like, so I thought I would share it. I think it is a good practice to give up Facebook to mortify one's self amongst other things, so if you are up to the challenge, feel free to use the the picture =) God bless you and Happy Lent!