Hyundai's Sacrilegious Commercial

This morning, I had a very disturbing email. My friend Dom had informed me that a commercial had been made that made a mockery of Catholicism. This, of course, got my attention and I had to check it out.

He had sent me a link, which I promptly checked, and Thomas Peters of American Papist had indeed caught another attack on Catholicism; in fact, it attacked what is most holy, the Mass. Please watch the video and see for yourself.

I honestly agree with the ideas presented on American Papist, that we should write in and complain to Hyundai (, as we should not let this presentation of anti-Catholicism stand. It is truly a mockery of our Christian beliefs; what is more, we should demand that this video be removed from TV and that an apology be issued and until this is done Catholics should not purchase products from Hyundai.

I am posting a copy of the letter that I made to complain. If you feel inclined to use it, do so.

To whom it may concern:

I am writing regarding one your recent advertisements (Hyundai 2010 FIFA World Cup Wedding Commercial) in which your company is comparing soccer to a religion; however, I am highly offended of the mockery which was exhibited of the Catholic Mass.

The entrance of the processional has a soccer ball as a thurible, and the words chanted are a mockery of "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi," translated means: Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world; however, the mockery does not end there. the pizza is delivered to the congregant as though he were receiving the most holy Eucharist upon his tongue. These are just a few of the insults which are delivered in a span of a few moments and quite honestly this is unacceptable. Also, to make it clear Catholics believe in the "REAL" presence of Christ in the Eucharist so it is not amusing to see our Mass or an imitation of our Sacrament defamed; further, the Agnus Dei prayer is not something to be trifled with as it is a sincere and holy prayer that is included in the Mass and in Litanies.

It can be considered that the company is alluding to the Church of Maradona in Argentina when recreating these mockeries; nevertheless, it is insensitive the the greater audience and to Catholics in particular.
In all honesty, if the desired result for this advertisement was to gain potential buyers, you have failed, as I for one and many people I know will not buy from your company due to the fact that you have mocked what we hold sacred. I would strongly suggest that an alternative promotion be brought forward and an apology be issued, as you can be sure that many of us have long memories. 
I truly hope that seeing this video will evoke a response, as we cannot let such attacks go unanswered.

Pax tecum.


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