Hyundai Responds to Complaint Letter, Issues Apology

Yesterday, I had written about Hyundai's Commercial which mocked the Catholic Mass, and had encouraged people to write to them complaining about the offense and I know that many other bloggers had been doing the very same things.

It would seem that the many emails/letters sent in by offended Catholics has had a positive result, as I received an email from Hyundai this morning which issued an apology for the commercial and stated it would no longer be aired.

Here is a copy of that letter for your viewing pleasure.

Hello and thank you for your feedback regarding Hyundai advertising.

Hyundai Motor America would like to thank you and other consumers for sharing concerns about a new ad titled "Wedding" which aired during the opening games of the FIFA World Cup broadcast last week. We take comments of this nature very seriously. Because of feedback like yours, we have removed the ad from all Hyundai communications and stopped airing it.

We credit the passionate World Cup viewers and Hyundai owners for raising this issue to us. The unexpected response created by the ad, which combined both soccer and religious motifs to speak to the passion of international soccer fans, prompted us to take a more critical and informed look at the spot. Though unintentional, we now see it was insensitive. We appreciate your feedback and hope you will accept our sincere apologies.

With appreciation,

Hyundai Motor America
Thank you to all the people who wrote in and defended our faith. We must never let such offenses go unanswered, and it goes to show that when we all pull together to defend our beliefs, we can make a great difference.

Pax tecum.


Dom said…
They replied to my email too - I doubted they would since I'm not American. A gracious apology, I felt.
I thought it was a very gracious apology too. I was impressed that they responded very quickly. I think they must have gotten a great number of emails in response to this. Nevertheless, I feel their apology was genuine, and I am pleased that the pulled it from airing any further; also, the YouTube link that I used is now disabled, so I think they are living up to their words.

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