Meeting Fr. Euteneuer of Human Life International

-I must emphasize that many of the ideas that you will read are not mine, but were taken from Fr. Euteneuer's talk. I have either paraphrased or used his ideas. I just wanted to share what I had taken from his great talk. Also, what I have written is not verbatim; rather it is just from my notes.-

The soldiers marched in to meet one of their captains, but I think some were not ready for the words which he was to speak. Gazing upon the priest, you could tell there was something about him even if you were not aware of his past. The introductions to the meeting began and he was introduced. Again, this was to be a night of amazement as many were taken aback by the opening prayer.

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer stood at the front of the room. He immediately broke the tension with a few well placed jokes, but the atmosphere changed. Everyone in the room blessed themselves as he began the prayer and his words rang out in Latin. My personal impression, it was utterly beautiful, but I could tell quite a number of people had no clue as to what he was saying. He immediately explained and recited the same prayer, the St. Michael prayer, in English, leading the pro-lifers. Fr. Euteneuer was about to explain to the small group that the battle for the 'culture of life' is more than a battle of teaching and educating, but is a battle against the forces of evil. This is in essence a battle against principalities and powers and one that require preparation and spiritual graces.

The good Father began to explain how the world of evil worked and its subtleties. He especially emphasized doorways, the ways we allow demonic entities to enter our lives. There was the usual mentioning of ouija boards and tarot cards and it expanded to conversations about the New Age and media; however, he took it a step further and explained how abortion allows the demonic to enter one's life. Essentially, abortion, the destruction of life, is contrary to God's plan, is on the same level of destruction that the demonic desire. He particularly spoke of Moloch when describing the abortion culture, and research will show you that he is a demon who desires child sacrifices. (Amazing parallel) When a person has an abortion or encourages it, they essentially are embracing the culture of death and can allow a demonic entity to gain entrance into his/her life.

Demonic entities are fully evil and are never appeased with just gaining mere entrance to a person's life; rather, they desire their destruction and full control and will do so over time. There was much more to this lecture, but the most important thing to remember is that the Devil is the master of lies and will do anything he can to gain entrance into one's life and will try his best not to let go once inside.

More important than focusing on the demonic, is focusing on the power that we have as Christians. Firstly, as the good Father had pointed in the lecture, the demonic are not as powerful as they are depicted in the movies. They do have abilities that would be superhuman; however, they cannot just take random souls. It goes back to the opening of doorways (occult practices, mortal sins, things of this nature) to allow them entry. If they were allowed to enter souls at random, they would destroy humanity in a moment. They loathe our very existence. Therefore, Fr. Euteneuer gave 7 key points to focus upon to keep our lives safe from evil, especially those who fight in the pro-life movement because often times they face evil face to face.

  1. Clarity: make no mistake of what evil is. It is the antithesis of God. It is irreformable. St. Thomas Aquinas had said that when an angel makes a decision it cannot change it; it is eternal. We can never compromise with evil.

  2. Attitude of Rejection: you must reject all things that are evil. This includes things of the occult or that move against Catholic moral teaching. You must also remember that angles of deception, fallen angels can appear as angels of light. "And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light." (2 Corinthian 11:14). There can be no curiosity and no dialogue.

  3. Close all Doorways to Evil: You can close doorways to evil by ceasing all occult or negative activity, but this would only be the beginning. To fully close these doorways would also require the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a firm attitude of rejection. It may also require further prayers by your priest and/or prayer group to assist you, as you may be met with obstacles. You can further close doors by rejecting past lifestyle choices and demonic attitudes and casting them out in the name of Jesus Christ. NEVER IN YOUR NAME. NEVER BY YOUR POWER! To the demonic, your power is nothing. You never engage anything in your name and laity should never attempt to exorcise a person. Prayers of deliverance are one thing; however, exorcism is a completely different matter and left to the Church.

  4. What is done must be undone: This falls in line with closing doors. You must undo the damage that has been done and begin to seek a life of grace.

  5. State of Grace: The demonic have very little power over a person who is in a state of grace. This means that once you have fixed your life and repented for wrongs, you should try to maintain your state of grace. "Evil is always looking for that toe hold to get a foot hold to get a strong hold"- Fr. Euteneuer. Therefore, you must repair your spiritual armour on a regular basis. "Finally, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord and in the might of his power. Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil" (Ephesian 6:10-11). Remember, the evil one is looking for holes in your armour, don't give him any. Visit the sacraments and do not compromise with evil.

  6. Authority: Remember, we all have authority as Christians to cast out evil. It was given to us by Christ. We can cast evil away as it afflicts us, but always in the Name of Jesus. Do not overstep your authority.

  7. Generosity: We need to be generous. The culture of death, the demonic are all selfish and self serving. We must be always open to helping our fellow man and open to life. By living in the way and by living in this way we will always be open to God and willing to sacrifice as He did for us on Calvary. We will be the opposite of the modern culture of death.
A war is raging. We must be ready to face down evil and for those of you who are in the pro-life movement, you know that quite often you get to see evil face to face. We are villainized, scandalized and are forced to hear the lies which would turn God's little miracles into nothing more than a choice. Make no mistake, we fight not against mere people but against the forces of evil themselves. It is evil which deceives man into believing that God doesn't exist or belittling human life to its nothingness. It is this that we strive against. Humans are not nothing, but creatures made in the likeness of the Creator. 
(Example of the Culture of Death lying to obtain ends: Baltimore City Council passes law that would burden pro-life pregnancy centers)

Fr. Euteneuer proclaimed the truth and we must ever ready ourselves for the spiritual combat that awaits us on the horizon. May we pray for people like him and all who serve our Lord in various ministries that they not be bogged down by oppressive forces, but may be able to persevere and serve Him always.

Pax tecum.


Andrea said…
Hola! ¿Cómo está? It is a very scary culture we live in and scarier of the mass blindness to what is happening. Often not enough emphasis is put upon the direct presence of the devil in our society and what a large part he plays in our modern culture. Contraceptives are another one of his dirty deeds and quite clever in that it prevents souls from even being created, thus one less soul for God. Now more than ever we need the Rosary and the Mass, which seems to be present less and less in our Catholic communities. Interesting talk and thanks for sharing it! Also, thanks for sharing the prayer below! It really does encompass everything.
~ Andrea JMJ †
Andrea said…
Oh! I forgot! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I am doing well. Thank you for asking. I am happy that you liked the prayer and that you found talk interesting.

You are so right about society neglecting the devil's role in its destructive culture and how clever he is. I agree with you 100% about turning to the Rosary and Mass more than ever, as I truly feel these are dark times and we need graces more than ever.

=) Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. =)

May God bless and guide you always.

Pax tecum.

Nick Chui said…
Hi Louis

Good summary of Fr Tom's talk. Thanks a lot!

Thanks Nick. You're welcome. =)

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