Love Your God With All Your Soul

"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments." (Mt. 22:37 - 40) Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has given us two great commandments to live by; however, one cannot help but notice as they look at the world how often humanity seems to fall short of this simple act of love.

Turning on the computer, all one has to do is look at any news feed and they will see so many acts of hatred and selfishness. It would seem to be that the whole world has been beguiled into trading their precious souls away for temporal objects that will tarnish and erode. I think of these objects the one that is most notable to mention that the soul is traded away for is pride. It was the sin of pride that led Satan in that horrid revolt against God and it is the sin of pride that leads humans in their revolt against God.

It is the sin of pride that keeps man from lowering his eyes upon his fallen brother and sister and extending his helping hand. It is pride that lead people to fight Saint Augustine's words: "I believe that I may understand". People want to believe only what gives them their will and not God's. The words of Jesus' sermon on the mount are ignored. There is only their will and it is their will that has led to the eradication of God's greatest gift; the gift of life. How many abortions have been procured because people have rejected God's will, His commandments, and sought their own pleasures only to be met with what a procreative experience creates; a life? Yet, still in their pride and desire they pursue their own wants for freedom further and embrace the non serviam of Satan. They take the great gift which God has given the world and kill it.

The radical ideas of destroying the unborn, and our youth by immorality are prevalent in our society. This destruction both in the womb and in society has desecrated the holy nature bestowed upon man by our creator. It has been pride that allows it to spread and it must be by love that we conquer it. We are ever aware that the Lord gave His life for us that we may have eternal life. He has given us the great commandments to love and with those commandments we must strive to conquer the evil of the world. We must not stand idly by. We must not be relative to everything around us, for as Saint Josemaria Escriva would say: "A man, a 'gentleman', ready to compromise would condemn Jesus to death again" (The Way, 393). We must love our God and our neighbor. We must love those around enough to gather them back one step at a time, one prayer at a time, for our battle is for the eternal souls of those around us.

Saint Michael Prayer
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Dominus Vobiscum.


John said…
I love this one... I think you put together in a fantasic way.

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