Godparents/Sponsors Roles & Responsibilities

Life is an arduous journey. This is something that I have learned from hard earned experience. I have lived in various continents. I have been a soldier, student, lector, lecturer, and many other things. As I have gone through this life, I have learned the importance of proper faith formation and religious study. The topic can seem somewhat dull and I do not wish to pursue a discussion in theology and morality at the moment, but what I wish to bring to light is the importance of the role of the Godparent/Sponsor in faith formation.

The guidelines for the suitability of Godparents and Sponsors is covered in the Code of Canon Law, but my discussion aims beyond this initial stage of baptism and confirmation. I wish to look at the time following these wonderful sacraments. How often have I seen people stagnate following their initiation. It is not to say that this is the occurrence in all cases. If I were to imply that, it would be a horrible misnomer. However, I have seen on many occasions sponsors or godparents picked because of friendship or familial ties and nothing else. The thing about this commitment is that the sponsor/godparent is supposed to act as a spiritual guide to the baptised or confirmed for the duration of their life, or as long as circumstances make it possible. Yet, how often is this not done? (I use the term circumstances very loosely, as I am 10,000 miles away from those whom I vowed to be a godparent and sponsor to and I still keep in contact and guide them in spiritual matters.)

Becoming a godparent or sponsor is a great honor. It allows you to have a distinct and momentous impact in the life of a developing Christian. It is also a heavy burden, as at times you may see those whom you guide fall away from the Church, and must strive through great effort and prayer to attempt to regain them as members to the Body of Christ. It is a never ending duty. Further, it is a duty which should make a person strive towards the knowledge of God. Without the knowledge of God, how can we be expected to guide others towards Him? It is necessary for godparents/sponsors to impart that knowledge upon those whom they vow to guide so that they too can move forward in the faith and not be blinded by the smoke of Satan. It is of the utmost importance for the newly baptised or confirmed to understand that this is but the beginning of their journey and know they must truly strive to know our Lord and His Church.

I leave off with two quotes for thought. One is from Saint Peter: "But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you." (1 Peter 3:15). The other quote I wish to leave off with is by Saint Jerome: "ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ". As sponsors/godparents, we have the responsibility to be knowledgeable and defend the faith, but we also have the great responsibility of teaching others of how to do the same.

Dominus Vobiscum.


Jacqueline said…
I really like this .. I just wish that more people would take the role more seriously as a God parent. Too many people now a days just take it as a title and don't understand the true meaning as to why it just happened and where it's supposed to go from then on. People need to understand that this is a big deal in starting ones life in the way of the Lord. All we can do is pray that people will come into the light!
Anonymous said…
This is an awesome website with so much good information all in one place. Keep it going :)

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