
Showing posts from November, 2012

Always Be Ready For The End

As we come to the close of the liturgical season, I cannot help but once again notice how the readings foretell of the end of time; nevertheless, we are sufficiently reminded that though there be signs that no one know when the end will come. I probably sound like a broken record in this regard to the regular church goer, but I wish to make the point that people need not worry about prophecies regarding the “end times” about how or even exactly when the end of the world will occur because our Master has said that no one will know the hour of His return. He has told us that there will be many false prophets; therefore, there are much more important things to attend to, as we have no control over the end of the world. I feel it appropriate to write a bit regarding the "end" because it has been reoccurring issue in my life. When I was catechism teacher, one question that was continually posted to me was about the end of the world being in 2012, and if one were to spend ...

True Thanksgiving

There is much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, but nothing is greater than the sacrifice of Christ made on Calvary and which is offered daily on our altars; His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity is offered for us. The sacrificial offering is appropriately called the Eucharist and He nourishes us with Himself. Eucharistic Adoration EUCHARIST The true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, who is really and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine, in order to offer himself in the sacrifice of the Mass and to be received as spiritual food in Holy Communion. It is called Eucharist, or "thanksgiving," because at its institution at the Last Supper Christ "gave thanks," and by this fact it is the supreme object and act of Christian gratitude to God. Although the same name is used, the Eucharist is any one or all three aspects of one mystery, namely the Real Presence, the Sacrifice, and Communion. As Real Presence, the Eucharist is Christ in his ...

Social Justice in the Church must Proclaim Christ

There are many people in this world who are good hearted, and with the best of intentions they seek to help others. Many times words such as social justice are spoken in relation to these efforts. Within the Church, there are many who pursue social justice, but consequently in their pursuit begin to focus on purely temporal issues and neglect the proclamation of Christ. Therefore, I would like to just put up a little blurb by Pope Paul VI as a reminder to those who work in this field or to my brethren who may have to practice apologetics in relation to this issue. Excerpt from Evangelii Nuntiandi: 32. We must not ignore the fact that many, even generous Christians who are sensitive to the dramatic questions involved in the problem of liberation, in their wish to commit the Church to the liberation effort are frequently tempted to reduce her mission to the dimensions of a simply t emporal project. They would reduce her aims to a man-centered goal; the salvation of which she ...

Dissident Catholic Attitudes and Failures

I thought I would share some sobering truths spoken by Michael Voris (ChurchMilitant.TV) about the Catholic attitude and dissident behavior and failures from those whom we rely upon. I think it echoes my sentiments and my writings, especially those written in  the past week or so. For your viewing pleasure: Link for the new CIA program:

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Church Leaders

Just a random thought for today. It's a thought that I hope some people in high places will heed, as it is very sound advice when leading and should give some sparks to reflect on how things are being handled and how folks are being led in the Church. “If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame. But, if orders are clear and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers.” -Sun Tzu I know that the punishment following this particular incident for Sun Tzu was quite harsh; nevertheless, it is important that there be punishment and that it be swift. Too many folks have free reign spreading dissident ideas without punishment or reprimand and this leads to disorder. Hence, this is sound advice even in modern circumstances. Directives need to be clear not ambiguous, and while there is a degree of flexibility, those who serve the Church need to be faithful. When clergy or religious con...

Catholic Teachings NOT Population matter

I had spent this morning considering society, and the influence of different groups on popular culture and morality. I had originally intended to write a piece pertaining to increasing the Catholic population and by extension changing or influencing the culture at large; after all, the recent election was a reflection of values held popularly by society and when the majority perspectives change so do the laws of the land. This could well lead into a discussion of the tyranny of the majority; however, I do not wish to approach that topic; rather, I wish to continue on the Catholic demographic. Fertility Rates Back to my initial thinking, I had posited that Catholics having more children would more greatly influence society, but as I began to look at numbers I became dismayed because the largest growing demographic, as far as Catholicism in the United States, is the Latino population; in fact, Latinos in general are the fastest growing group in the United States. So, why am I dismaye...


Love... I often hear about love; it is spoken about from the pulpit; it is spoken about in regards to neighbor, but sadly the idea of love or truly charity is often construed as niceness and lack of offense in dealing with others. This often leads to people missing, what I believe to be a fundamental point of being Christian, and that is loving your neighbor as yourself. I say this because if one is a Christian, then they believe Christianity is the way and that what Jesus said is true: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me” (Jn 14: 6). It would then be truly charitable and loving to share with your neighbor and with all whom you encounter Christ. When a person out of convenience chooses to follow some of the Lord's commandments and disregard others to suit situations or not to offend, then it may be said they are being lukewarm, and this is what the Lord has said about the lukewarm: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot...

Next Time You Dress for Mass

I had watched this video a few days back and I think it is a candid reminder of the things we should consider when we dress and prepare for Mass. I hope you enjoy it.

The Sad Catholic Vote

Continuing on from my rant yesterday, it has in fact been confirmed that the Catholic vote did support Obama. Exit polls from CNN show the breakdown by religion- Graphic from Exit Polling   What is more telling about the vote, and what I had been alluding to yesterday was the adherence to worship and participation weekly activities, and while this is not exclusively for the Catholic populace, there is a stark difference between those who worship weekly and those who come now and again in their vote. Graphic from Exit Polling       There can indeed be other factors to consider, but there is nonetheless a correlation that can be shown between Catholics who voted in line with Catholic teaching and those attend regular Mass, but what is more, some Catholic actually believe that they can deviate from those non-negotiable principles highlighted by the Church to suit their desires and still be in good standing, but in fact have supported in...

When Catholics Support Evil (Obama)

It has come to be that Obama has won the 2012 Presidential election, and this is a reality that I must deal with, and quite frankly I expected it, though I had hoped to the contrary. As I sit in front of my computer this evening this evening (early morning in America), there is still something that weighs on my heart and that is the number of Catholic voters who have supported and in fact voted for Obama. I know there are many reasons why one could try  to take a position to support the President, and differences could be cited viewing economic perspectives, healthcare, etc., but these are all secondary considerations to the first right, the right to life, which has been continually suppressed by the current administration as it expands abortion and the contraceptive culture. Also, the furtherance of agendas which undermine family structures and morality. Now it assuredly could not be said that Romney was a champion for the positions I had mentioned; however, when comparing the...