Always Be Ready For The End
As we come to the close of the liturgical season, I cannot help but once again notice how the readings foretell of the end of time; nevertheless, we are sufficiently reminded that though there be signs that no one know when the end will come. I probably sound like a broken record in this regard to the regular church goer, but I wish to make the point that people need not worry about prophecies regarding the “end times” about how or even exactly when the end of the world will occur because our Master has said that no one will know the hour of His return. He has told us that there will be many false prophets; therefore, there are much more important things to attend to, as we have no control over the end of the world. I feel it appropriate to write a bit regarding the "end" because it has been reoccurring issue in my life. When I was catechism teacher, one question that was continually posted to me was about the end of the world being in 2012, and if one were to spend ...