Speak the Truth. Speak it Boldly.

As we are in the Octave of Easter, it becomes ever more apparent to me that we should be ready, willing and able to give the reason(s) of why there is joy in our heart. During this joyous time, it is adamantly apparent that Jesus suffered greatly for our sins and in His suffering, conquered death freeing us from the bonds of hell, but that is of course based on our decisions, our free will.

Looking at our free will, we must then consider that our decision are based upon our knowledge, in addition to our faith relationship, which means that we may believe and that belief is based on the faith and trust in the revelations and teachings of Christ, but how we lead our life is based on the understandings of those teachings, and this is again why giving reasons for our faith becomes ever more important in a world that is increasingly more secular and modernistic. We must not be afraid of speaking the truth or sharing the Word of God. It is a given that at times we will be scorned, ridiculed, or there could even be a possibility of losing your life, but this is not a divergence from what was expected in the early Church. This is essentially the reality of professing Christianity. In our profession, it will give the opportunity to correct errors and stomp out heresy, but it also reminds us that we must be always rooted in Holy Spirit and the Church which Christ founded upon Peter, the Holy Catholic Church. In the manner, we will be always ready to correct our wayward brethren and lead many souls to Christ.

It is true that it is much easier in this day and age to speak in terms of religious indifferentism and in language saying that all paths lead to God; in fact, it would seem that is what popular society promotes, condones and teaches. It could be said that such a mentality does lead a somewhat peaceful environment of coexistence, but it is a environment that is ignoring the fundamental truths of our faith and sacrificing the peace of eternity for the tranquility of the temporal by sacrificing the eternal truth. This by no means suggests that one should declare open revolt against society or force one's religious tenets on another, but what is being suggested is that Christians cannot compromise their religious identity or morals positions for temporal gains. Christians cannot deny Christ in the political arena or any aspect of their life, for to do that is to remove Christ from your life and God belongs in every aspect.

It could be suggested that to be so bold or to not compromise on the Christian faith is to lack charity, but it would truly be uncharitable to withhold the truth from others and not allow them to know Christ and to further deny Him in our thoughts, words and deeds. True charity, would be to correct our brother/sister in error, if not overtly then by our example. This again returns to the sacrifice that Christ has made for us; that ultimate sacrifice of offering His body, blood, soul and divinity for our redemption. How can we honestly be called Christians in any meaningful sense of the word if we do not share that reality or deny that truth when in the world, or lead our life forgetful of the great price by which we have been purchased?

As we celebrate this Easter season and rejoice in the rising of our Lord, let us proclaim him to the world. Many forces have tried to conceal Him or cast Him from societal view because they desire to shed darkness and their own image upon humanity, destroying what God has made; however, wherever there is Christ, darkness is dispelled for darkness cannot comprehend Light! Let us proclaim Christ and share Him so that world may rejoice and one day it may proclaim from pole to pole with one cry: “Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation: to it be glory and honor forever.”


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