Happy Easter

A Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone!!! 

 I have spent the last few weeks in prayer, especially reciting the Divine Office and I am thankful for the experience. I can say that the horrible pain that was tormenting me and tearing at my heart has somewhat lifted and I thank my friends and those who have prayed for me, your prayers have been heard.

I have been very fortunate, as I have had the privilege of attending the Traditional Latin Mass more regularly, which has also given me some respite to the pain I had been feeling, but what makes this story even better was that though my week was filled with the traditional liturgy, it was not offered through all of Holy Week, but the Novus Ordo Masses and Service I attended were very reverent; the most reverent I have seen in a long time. They were filled with chant and for the first time a community that seems to finally be understanding that the Mass is not about us! Rather, it is about the sacrifice at the altar. Needless to say, I was quite moved. This was of course quite contrary to some of horror stories that I heard from my family in United States, who had people bursting out with spontaneous acclamations and clapping their hands when they felt like it. Sadly, this incorrectly focuses the Mass on the "I", but it is not about us and once people realize that we are joined with the priest, alter Christus, in offering Mass, and combine our prayers with his that this is the fullness of Mass. The priest consecrates the Host and it is he who act in the person of Christ, In persona Christi. He makes the sacrifice and we offer in that sacrifice. The Mass is about us offering to God and He strengthening us and granting us graces to persevere in His way. It offers atonement for our transgressions, and it is the moment when heaven meets earth. There is not room in the Mass to be selfish. It is communal prayer, not private prayer. All that other stuff...save for private!

Either way... I will be writing a bit in the coming weeks, but I hope that everyone finished Lent with a renewed vigor and have risen with our Lord and are ready to celebrate the next few weeks and offer Him all that they have and possess, every thought, word and deed.

Again, Happy Easter! 


Unknown said…
Deo Gratias!

Blessed Easter! :)
Unknown said…
Welcome back. I have to agree with you. I believe in the old fashion ways when it comes to mass. Hyms, prayer. Praising from the heart doesn't mean clapping and talking; that belongs outside, not in the church.

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