
Showing posts from April, 2012

Great News...Bishop Fellay Has Signed the Preamble

Just read from Rorate Caeli via La Stampa: The Superior of the Society of Saint Pius X has signed the doctrinal preamble proposed by the Holy See, even if with some slight modifications ANDREA TORNIELLI CITTÀ DEL VATICANO The response of the Society of Saint Pius X has arrived in the Vatican and it is positive: according to the informal information gathered by  Vatican Insider , Bishop Bernard Fellay would have signed the doctrinal preamble that the Holy See had proposed last September as a condition to reach full communion and canonical regularization. An official confirmation of the received response should take place in the next few hours. From what has been learned, the text of the preamble sent by Fellay proposed some non-substantial modifications regarding the version delivered by the Vatican authorities: as it may be recalled, the same  Ecclesia Dei  Commission had not willed to make the document (of [only] two, yet complex, pages) public, precisely because...

Hopeful News on the Horizon Between SSPX and Rome?

It looks like there may be some good news on the horizon so I just wanted to share from Vatican Insider : Fellay replies. The Society of St. Pius X might be awarded the status of “Personal prelature” by the pope himself Andrea Tornielli Vatican City   The Holy See and the Society of St Pius X, founded by Mgr. Marcel Lefebvre, might come to an agreement in matter of days, or even hours. The Superior General of the Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay, apparently signed a new version of the doctrinal preamble, which he had been given last September by cardinal William Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and president of the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei.   Officially the Vatican is still waiting for Fellay’s reply. On the 16th of March the bishop had been asked to make a final decision. But according to the information gathered by the Vatican expert Jean-Marie Guenois, who works for the French magazine Le Figaro, unofficiall...

Direct Destruction is not the Answer

I was contacted by a friend regarding the article Nebraska Couple Watches Their Baby Die Because of New Law and asked to share my thoughts on it and their desire have the baby aborted. After writing it, I thought I would share it, so here it is: Dear ..., My thoughts on the subject... It is obviously a heart wrenching subject, and it is always emotionally charged when anyone speaks about the suffering of a child, but that does not, in my opinion, allow or justify the destruction of innocent human life. It could be argued that the baby was not likely to survive because of its age, 20 weeks, which is in part true, as I have never read of any case of any baby surviving that was below 22 weeks; nevertheless, that still does not justify the mercy killing of a baby. Essentially, that is what it would be, if were not be considered direct abortion, then we would have to consider it euthanizing in some abstract form; however, the end does not justify the means. The end in this r...

Speak the Truth. Speak it Boldly.

As we are in the Octave of Easter, it becomes ever more apparent to me that we should be ready, willing and able to give the reason(s) of why there is joy in our heart. During this joyous time, it is adamantly apparent that Jesus suffered greatly for our sins and in His suffering, conquered death freeing us from the bonds of hell, but that is of course based on our decisions, our free will. Looking at our free will, we must then consider that our decision are based upon our knowledge, in addition to our faith relationship, which means that we may believe and that belief is based on the faith and trust in the revelations and teachings of Christ, but how we lead our life is based on the understandings of those teachings, and this is again why giving reasons for our faith becomes ever more important in a world that is increasingly more secular and modernistic. We must not be afraid of speaking the truth or sharing the Word of God. It is a given that at times we will be scorned, ...

Happy Easter

A Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone!!!    I have spent the last few weeks in prayer, especially reciting the Divine Office and I am thankful for the experience. I can say that the horrible pain that was tormenting me and tearing at my heart has somewhat lifted and I thank my friends and those who have prayed for me, your prayers have been heard. I have been very fortunate, as I have had the privilege of attending the Traditional Latin Mass more regularly, which has also given me some respite to the pain I had been feeling, but what makes this story even better was that though my week was filled with the traditional liturgy, it was not offered through all of Holy Week, but the Novus Ordo Masses and Service I attended were very reverent; the most reverent I have seen in a long time. They were filled with chant and for the first time a community that seems to finally be understanding that the Mass is not about us! Rather, it is about the sacrifice at the altar. Needle...