Wonderful Developments at my Parish

Since coming to Singapore, I have encountered many interesting things. One of the biggest surprises to me in 2005, was the vitality of the parishes and the proper use of altar servers. I found it quite empowering and it was energizing to me; however, I also encountered many things I considered modernistic and atrocious; the worst of it was the berating of the rosary by a priest. Still, I am constantly amazed by the many parish priests who strive to strengthen their parishes by encouraging pious practices.

There is often a struggle in the Church between those who hold the Mass as what it is, the highest form of prayer in the whole Church, and those who only see it as a passing moment. While it may be said that we cannot determine the interior disposition of a person's heart by their dress and actions, there is something that can be said for forethought of action. What I mean by this is that we can give precedence to our attendance of Mass and put it above all else that is to be done; essentially, it means we dress with the reverence the Mass deserves as we encounter our Lord.

About a year ago these signs were put up informing parishioners what is appropriate and I would say from casual observation that this has indeed brought forethought into most parishioners minds.
 The good priests of the parish have also addressed timely arrival to Mass. There had been a habit of parishioners coming in 30 minutes through the Mass or walking in during inappropriate times, but the priest have since taken a harder stance on the matter and have encouraged parishioners that if they are so late to a Mass that they cannot fulfil their Sunday obligation or effectively participate in the Mass to please go to a neighboring parish, which has a later start time.

To my delight, the priests have also ceased giving blessings during Eucharistic reception. Now, it is not that blessing are not nice, but there is no liturgical practice of this and quite frankly, we all receive a blessing at the end of Mass. This has also stopped an abuse of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion from performing another liturgical abuse of blessing, which is not their purpose nor is it allowed. Because of the measure put forth the by priests, the mass continues to be a more reverent environment.

There have been many other changes done throughout my parish, all with the edification of the parishioners in mind, but the one that has recently put a smile on my face is the construction of an Adoration Room. The Eucharist is now exposed daily from 7:30 am - 10pm, and it is constantly being visited. What a wonderful opportunity to behold our Lord and spend time with Him in silent prayer. This great joy is only magnified with growing prayer life of the church to include the praying of Lauds and Vespers during weekday Masses. To facilitate this the priests had conducted 2 classes to teach lay people how to recite the Liturgy of the Hours as a community, which was well attended.

Overall, I am pleased with constant progress of my parish and the edifying activities which continue to be spread. With God's grace, this will be a parish that will bring forth many vocations in the future. I am extremely thankful to God and hope he will continue to bless our parish and guide many more priests to reverent and traditional practices so that our Churches will truly be about God and His glory and not about us and our worldly desires.



Anonymous said…
more good news in singapore - first Tridentine rite nuptial mass recently!


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