My Thoughts on Thanksgiving for 2010
November 25, 2010, is Thanksgiving in the United States, and because of that, my family has been discussing with me the upcoming celebration. (Yes, I am writing from Singapore, but I am originally from the United States and my family still lives there.) Me being me, I can never leave anything alone. I tend to reflect on things and Thanksgiving is no exception, but as pondered, I became saddened because Thanksgiving should not be one day a year, but everyday. Now, I know that what I am about to write does not apply to everyone, as there are many who keep their lives focused on God at all times, but there exists quite a number of people who do not see the contradiction in their holiday celebration. Thanksgiving...who are we thanking? The answer should be God, but how do we show our thanks to God? By loving him with our ever part of our being, with all our heart, might and soul, by consecrating every action; however, many people wander through life keeping God as a secondary ...