Vocations Sunday: Just A Few Prayers For Our Priests

Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter, and is also known as Vocations Sunday. Now, I don't believe that I can write anything better than is being said by our priests in their homilies today; however, they need our prayers today as much as ever.

Praying for vocations doesn't mean just praying for new zealous souls to enter the priesthood, but it also means praying for the vocations that we already have and sustaining them. Therefore, I will share some prayers for the Sanctification of the Clergy, and I hope that some will be moved to at least say some of them for our priests.

Please pray for our priests.

[Taken from the Raccolta]
Prayers to Obtain from God The Sanctification of the Clergy

656.  Jesus, Saviour of the world, sanctify Thy priests and sacred ministers.

658.  O Jesus, humbled in the Eucharist to be the source and center of charity of the Catholic Church and the strength of souls, we offer Thee our prayers, our actions, our sufferings in behalf of Thy priests, to the end that each day may behold the wider extension of the Kingdom of Thy Sacred Heart.

659.  O Jesus, eternal High Priest, divine Sacrificer, Thou who in an unspeakable burst of love for men, Thy brethren, didist cause the Christian priesthood to spring forth from Thy Sacred Heart, vouchsafe to pour forth upon Thy priests continual living streams of infinite love.

Live in them, transform them into Thee; make them, by Thy grace, fit instruments of Thy mercy; do Thou act in them and through them, and grant, that they may become wholly one with Thee by their faithful imitation of Thy virtues; and, in Thy Name and by the strength of Thy spirit, may they do the works which Thou didst accomplish for the salvation of the world.

Divine Redeemer of souls, behold how great is the multitude of those who still sleep in the darkness of error; reckon up the number of those unfaithful sheep who stray to the edge of the precipice; consider the throngs of the poor, the hungry, the ignorant and the feeble who groan in their abandoned condition.

Return to us in the person of Thy priests; truly live again in them; act through them and pass once more through the world, teaching, forgiving, comforting, sacrificing and renewing the sacred bonds of love between the Heart of God and the heart of man. Amen.

660.  O God, who hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son to be the eternal High Priest for the glory of Thy Majesty and the salvation of mankind; grant that they whom He hath chosen to be His ministers and the stewards of His mysteries, may be found faithful in the fulfilment of the ministry which they have received. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.


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