The Fight for Our Lady

Be in the world, but not of it. These are words that we are supposed to live by; however, it would seem that many have forgotten this bit wisdom and believe they can serve two masters, or have just chosen to serve the world.

I write this in light of the recent re-election of Fr. Jenkins, as President of Notre Dame University. It's funny to think that a man who has adamantly gone against so many Catholic teachings could remain as head of a "Catholic" university; furthermore, he is head of a Catholic university named after Our Lady.

Fr. Jenkins raised controversy when he allowed President Barack Obama to speak at the University, but this situation was further exacerbated when he allowed him to be presented with an honorary degree. It could be argued that Fr. Jenkins is a secular priest and therefore has no need to follow the directive of United States Council of Catholic Bishops, which basically stated that pro-abortion politicians were to receive no honors from Catholic institutions. However, this is not the case. Fr. Jenkins is still a priest, and still must abide by church teaching. Catholic Church teaching prohibits abortion; in fact, those who seek abortion are subject to latae sententiae excommunication. This would mean that on the subject of abortion there is no misunderstanding, it is prohibited. Hence, why should we honor those who so readily encourage this horrid sin and those of contraception, another deviation from Catholic moral teaching.

There are other questions surrounding Fr. Jenkins. There have been some Catholics who would like to know why school funds were allowed to be used to pay for a trip to a pro gay marriage march. Questions also exist as to why liberal feminist ideology has been allowed to permeate through the school, for example the performances of The Vagina Monologues, in 2008. Here we have a "priest" who is supposed to be acting responsibly for the spiritual welfare of the student body, yet is allowing them to be corrupted. Again, Notre Dame is supposed to be a Catholic institution. Yet, what we have seen are conformities to the world and a subordination of Catholic culture for pecuniary gain or social acceptance.

It seems at this point in time that we also have a board of trustees who is more concerned with the acquiring of funds, rather than the spiritual good of the student body. Sadly, this institution is not under the control of the local diocese; therefore, the local ordinary cannot intercede. It was the board of trustees who re-elected Fr. Jenkins and of course Fr. Jenkins would probably not act in this fashion had he not the support of the trustees. Nevertheless, we, the laity, can cause quite a raucous! We can write, protest, march, pray and withhold funds. We can stop sending our children there and make our will and voices known. Incredibly, everyone of us has the potential to make a difference. Even if we are not the active type, even if we do not like to engage in politics, we can pray for those who do and we can pray our rosaries daily against this evil plight.

I think the most important thing to remember from all of this is that Notre Dame means Our Lady. This university is named after Our Blessed Mother in Heaven. Therefore, shouldn't we speak up to defend her sacred and holy name? It is she who is the epitome of purity and our great intercessor before the throne of God. Further, she is the antithesis of abortion culture, the "culture of death". We mustn't let this death culture defame what is most pure and most chaste. Evil loves to defile what is good and what is better than the namesake of Our Lady which teaches thousands of souls how to lead Christian lives? Defile the university and you defile the teachings. Defile the teachings and you defile the people. Defile the people and you help defile the world, but most importantly it will have defiled a pillar of light shinning in a world of darkness. Therefore, we must fight and not let the side of darkness, modernism and relativism overcome the way of reason and truth.

Pax tecum.


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