The Battle Rages

A battle rages. It is no mere battle between soldiers on the battle field, but it is the battle between light and dark, good and evil. It is a battle for souls. I believe that no picture makes this battle as clear as the one which rages against the culture of death, against Satan and his minions.

Reading the words "culture of death", "Satan and his minions" may turn your head for a moment, but it is nothing but the truth. Everyday pills which promise to keep children from being created are sold and that in itself may seem minuscule; however, when you consider that these same pills kill an embryo, you can realize that these very drugs run counter to God's design. Even if you do not want to think in terms of God's design, you believe yourself to be science minded, you would have to admit that contraceptive pills are acting against the body's natural function. They unnaturally change hormone levels and effect the endocrine system and when conception does occur as a result of sexual intercourse, they terminate its development and force the embryo to be aborted. This is not a natural process. As these pills run contrary to the natrual design of the body, one may also wish to consider the numerous side effect which can occur when using these pills to include:

  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Arterial thromboembolism
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Cerebral hemorrhage
  • Cerebral thrombosis
  • Hypertension
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Hepatic adenomas or benign liver tumors

This list is only a few of the many problems that can occur, but again, the worst of all is the death of a growing baby. Keep in mind, this is only from one of the many types of pills. There are more effects for others. Also to note, many of these pills interact with basic things such as Tylenol (Panadol), folic acid or vitamin C. Additionally, there are over 1000 drugs that interact with Yasmin.  Don't believe me? Check for yourself:

Moving down the list, we can consider the use of condoms and how people consider them a safe guard against STDs and pregnancy. However, this perception couldn't be further from the truth. Condoms fluctuate in their ability to prevent the communication of HIV/AIDS and that percentage can be as low as 60% or as high as 96% (Guttmacher Institute). Either way, you have an approximate failure rate of between 1/10 - 4/10. On further examination, a person has to consider that condoms only protect areas that are covered. Fluids that leak or are transferred to other areas of the body may still pass disease. So in reality, this perceived method of safe sex is really not so safe and may in fact spread disease and death.

Modern culture is preaching death in many fashions. Contraceptive pills may kill an embryo, but overall they make the person closed to life; thus, they are receptacle of death. Condoms give the illusion of safety, but can help to spread disease and death and may encourage promiscuity. Further, they go against sexual intercourse's natural design much the same way pills do; they prevent life from being created by the natural process of procreative activity. Sex was designed to create life and be a unifying experience between husband and wife and God because of the ability to be able to create, but with modern society's preaching "reproductive rights" we now have a right that has been created that is nothing other than the right to destroy the natural, life giving process that has been given to man and woman. Sadly, even when the procreative act is allowed to take its course and life is created, people are now taught that this precious life can be terminated for convenience sake. Abortion has become the zenith of this reproductive movement.

In ignorance, there have been some in society who have propagated the misinformation that a child in the womb is not a life; however, this is not true. One only need see a 3D or 4D sonogram to know the truth that what is inside the womb is indeed a life. It is moving and has a beating heart and everything we have as adults, except life experience and corruption of mind. How is that people can fight for the rights of a criminal who has done wrong, but turn their eyes blindly away from that innocent child who has no voice? It is a life. You only need think for a moment. We were all once at that stage and developed to the beings we are now. It is not a tumor. A tumor is an abnormal growth that is growing because of abnormal DNA and can be set in motion for various reason. A tumor cannot develop into a life, but an embryo can. The embryo, the fetus, the preborn was created by a process designed by nature to continue the species. They are not merely a lump of cells, but a being.

18wk Pre-born in Utero.

                                   (20 Wks) 4D Sonogram

This is a war my friends. People are being led astray en masse by lies and destroying life in all its forms. They destroy their bodies with pills which may cause cancer or death or can lead to multitude of other problems or functional abnormalities. People ignore their nature function and use contraceptive devices like condoms with the belief that they are safe and open themselves up to death and disease; further, they ignore the natural life giving function that is supposed to come of intercourse. People destroy their babies because they don't acknowledge their lives or do not wish to deal with the burden placed upon them, yet they ignore that it was most likely a result of their direct decision making. People are choosing death and there is only one being who desires the death of humanity and that is Satan.

Satan and his minions long for the destruction of all that is holy and what is more holy than the gift that God has given to his special human beings to create life. It is one of those special gifts that makes us like Him. Satan, in all his hatred, longs to take from us that love which God has given us and lead us to every degrading passion that we can indulge in and he most definitely has a foothold in society. This battle is raging and it is a battle for souls. We must choose our side. We must be life giving or life taking. We must be with God who sacrificed all that we may live or with the adversary and wallow in the death of our passions and self centeredness. Those who have chosen the good fight must put on the armor of God, grab their Rosary and follow that road to Calvary. Make no mistake, we are out numbered. We are as lambs for the slaughter, but we are never alone. Our Master once said to us:

If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it. 26 For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul? (Mt. 16:24 - 26)

The world may be against us, but if we follow our Lord, we shall be able stay on the path and preserve our souls and perhaps save other souls on the way, for our decisions never only effect us; rather, they also have the ability to help souls to go to heaven or hell. No one is ever on that journey alone. We have divine companionship, but sometimes we are called to share that gift of faith with others so that they may see that divine light and that they may return to their father's house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.

Pax tecum.


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