The State, The Contract and The Degradation of Marriage

There are some in our modern society who would propose the notion that everyone has the right to marriage. They would further expound that marriage is nothing but contract between two people, governed by the state. It is often times these same advocates who propose that homosexuals have the right to marriage. However, I beg to differ from this line of thought. Marriage is much more than a mere contract, and it is much more than an expression of love. Marriage is a covenant and its love is that of creator and created, and that of life-giving love shared between spouses.

As Christians, we must realize that marriage is most undoubtly between a man and a woman and cannot be dissolved, for the bible states:

For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall be in one flesh. What, therefore, God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. (Mt. 19:5-6)

From Matthew, we can see that God has made man for woman and woman for man. Man and woman join together and become one and this is done through God. However, in modern society the error has been adopted that the state holds the authority to regulate marriage. Marriage in the modern society has deviated from the path of divine law and embraced human law. Once on this path, marriage became truly subject to man’s vicious nature and vile passions, while losing the little protection and helps it received from natural goodness. (Pope Leo XIII, Acranum Divinae)

Under human law, marriage is seen as dissolvable. Man and woman are in essence subject to their own passions and have no need to remain together greater other than their own wants. Once their spouse is no longer useful, it is quite understandable to dispose of him or her. However, this shopping for a mate, even after marriage, has contributed greatly to breakdown of the family and the further embracing of man's immorality. If one truly sees marriage as contract that can be broken, what is the necessity of staying put? There is always the idea that something better may exist and if it is found, I should pursue it. The concept of marriage becomes egocentric, as opposed to life-giving and sharing. The state does not provide an example of marriage to live up to, rather it states what one should promise to do; however, it provides an escape clause, divorce.

The state providing its escape clause allows for either spouse to give into their lustful desire because there always the thought that marriage is dissolvable. Nevertheless, as Christians we must reject such thinking at all costs. We must never accept the non serviam way of thinking.

I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and he that shall marry her that is put away committeth adultery. (Mt. 19:9)

Our marriages are built on the precept of sanctifying our relationships through God and with God. The Lord commands us to love our wives as our own bodies and that marriage is a great sacrament.

Moving forward from the thought that marriage is indeed a covenant from God, not a mere contract, we must then understand that the sanctity of this institution is defined as between a man and a woman. If you refer to the Gospel of Matthew, St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians or the Hebrews, you can most definitely see that marriage is between a man and a woman. God has created man for woman and woman for man. It is through the bonding of these two creatures that God's great gift is truly displayed, life. Man and woman together can create life. It may be said that not all men and women are capable of having children, which is true; however, the possibility is always present. This can never be said of a union between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. Marital union cannot be imitated by same sex marriage, as it is self-serving. There may be a love that exists between the two people, but that love is not the fullness of God's life-giving love. Essentially, it would be another example of man giving into his desires in the absence of God and attempting to rationalize the behavior and legitimize it.

Since the relegation of marriage from a covenant to a civil contract, one cannot help but accept the increase trend of marriages ending in divorce. Further, one may also observe a lack of careful discretion when one approaches marriage because of foreseen dissolvability of the action. The state by asserting its power over marriage has in turn degraded the value of marriage in society. Marriage once seen as a holy sacrament, a covenant before God has been relegated to a feel good action which is now perceived by many to be a right. However, marriage has never been a right. It has been a union of souls, a life giving experience. This fact seems to be something the state has forgotten or cannot understand, nor can it understand the decreasing morality amongst its youth or the apathy which has come to exist in the population. I say to them look at divorce and the fall of the family and you will see the reasons behind the decay of society.

Pax Tecum.


Unknown said…
I really like the way this piece came together. I'm very glad you wrote this.
Thank you. I am happy that you enjoyed reading it.

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