Reverent Dress at Mass

You can observe on any given day people travelling to work. Men are dressed smartly on the subway or transit lines. Their shirts nicely ironed and pants creased. Women are dressed much the same. They have on some respectable garb, perhaps a blouse and skirt or a smart business suit. I know as I travel to work, I often look with admiration at my fellow travellers. They have taken such great pains to prepare themselves for their daily toil. I believe the same can be said with people travelling to an important meeting or event. One may even say that people can be seen wearing their best clothes. If one were going to meet the Prime Minister or the President, I think this would be especially true. How is then that when we go to meet the Master of all Creation the same regard is not given?

People seem to take such great cares impressing the world, but when they approach the Lord in the Holy Mass, they seem to forget who He is. Where is the reverence? How can one show so much attention to those around us, yet forget to show respect to the One who gives us all? Wouldn't it only be natural that we strive to wear our best clothing when visiting Him in the Mass. Doesn't He after all transcend the officials of government?

I say these words not from a position of haughtiness, but out of great reverence for Him who gives me all. I have too often seen people coming to the Mass as though it is but a passing moment and their clothes and attitude reflect that.  People chit chat, wear T-shirts (some of which have symbols or rhetoric which go against Christian beliefs) and there seems to have come to existence the ignorance of the sacred silence that is to exist before and during the Mass. Where is the respect?

Some may argue that it judgemental to look at people in such a way, as we never truly know circumstances of a given situation. I would agree with that contention if we were living in an area of extreme poverty and people possessed little or nothing, but the places where I have observed these transgression are not in the lower echelons of society, rather they are well established, economically stable places. I would even propose the contention that if one is a pauper, that he or she wear their best pauper rags when approaching the Sacrament of the Altar.  Coming to Mass wearing a Che Guevara shirt does not embody the reverence that is due, nor does wearing a shirt presenting the satanic symbols of a rock band. We should embrace the idea of wearing our "Sunday best". Further, what chit chat is so necessary that it cannot wait until the Mass has concluded, except explaining the Mass to an interested party?

We, as the church militant, have the duty to uphold the standards of the Mass.  This is not a responsibility that is solely left up to the priests, deacons or wardens,  but the laity as well. We, who are in the pews, often observe many of these transgressions.  It is we that should make it known to transgressors that their behavior is not appropriate, or bring it to attention of our parish priest.  When we see our brother or sister playing on their mobile phone, stop them.

Is it really too much to ask to devote that one hour of the Mass to God?  Our God gives us so much, but asks for so little.  I believe if you do see transgressions taking place during Mass and fail to act that you are just as guilty as the sinner.  It is tantamount to turning a blind eye to the sin or doing it yourself, and in doing so, you take that very sin upon yourself.  It is time to stop the irreverence that seems to permeate through our time with God and teach people true respect for the Eucharist.

In concluding, I would like to remind you that the Mass is nothing other than the great sacrament in which we honor Christ's life, death and resurrection, and his body is once again offered on the altar as it was on Calvary. The Mass deserves the greatest reverence from all in attendance, and we should always strive to honor Him in our thoughts, actions and deeds.  Part of showing reverence to Jesus is to honor him with respectful dress and loving attention. There is no reason why our masters in the world should be given greater respect than the Creator of the Universe and there is no reason why we should allow others show him irreverence if we truly love Him.

Pax Tecum


Unknown said…
It's so true. When we go to a special place we dress up nicely but when we go to church, some of us are not taking pride in our attire. We are entering a special place and we should be dressing up for that special occassion. Little by little, wee are losing the true meaning of church and mass.
Many people genuflect facing the altar and not really know why they are doing it, if they did, they would genuflect facing the tabernacle. Change does have to take place and people need to show more respect for our Almighty Father!

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