Eucharist Reception Kneeling and Upon the Tongue is the Norm

I have spent the last few days discussing not just on my blog, but in various forums about the forms of Eucharistic reception. The honest truth is, as I mentioned in my other entries, Eucharistic reception in the hand is the result of an indult, it is NOT the Church norm. A diocese may wish to make it its norm, but it is not the Church's norm. In fact, as I have stated in my other posts, the indult can be removed. The norm for Eucharistic reception in the Latin Rite is kneeling and upon the tongue, and this is also why any of the faithful who wish to receive in this manner cannot be denied Holy Communion.

Cardinal Arinze

On another bright note, there seems that there will be some possible corrections coming to the Novus Ordo Mass, as the Vatican is preparing a Manual to help priests celebrate Mass. An important thing that has been noted is that no where in Vatican II was there a command for priests to face the people for the entirety of the Mass, and it seems that this will finally be addressed. Along with other issues. If you are interested you can read more from Zenit:Vatican Preparing a Manual to Help Priests Celebrate Mass


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