
Showing posts from January, 2013

Eucharist Reception Kneeling and Upon the Tongue is the Norm

I have spent the last few days discussing not just on my blog, but in various forums about the forms of Eucharistic reception. The honest truth is, as I mentioned in my other entries, Eucharistic reception in the hand is the result of an indult , it is NOT the Church norm. A diocese may wish to make it its norm, but it is not the Church's norm. In fact, as I have stated in my other posts, the indult can be removed. The norm for Eucharistic reception in the Latin Rite is kneeling and upon the tongue, and this is also why any of the faithful who wish to receive in this manner cannot be denied Holy Communion. Cardinal Arinze On another bright note, there seems that there will be some possible corrections coming to the Novus Ordo Mass, as the Vatican is preparing a Manual to help priests celebrate Mass. An important thing that has been noted is that no where in Vatican II was there a command for priests to face the people for the entirety of the Mass, and it seems that this will f...

Stop the Cuomo Expansion Bill

If you are from New York State and opposed to abortion, it is important to know that the New York State Catholic Conference has begun an effort to oppose Governor Cuomo's attempt to expand abortion. New York State already has one of the highest abortion rates in the country, and the governor seeks to expand this already high rate. It is important that people oppose the governor's bill, especially Catholics. Please take a moment and visit the New York State Catholic Conference Website, and they will guide you in sending a letter to the governor and other law officials through their page; in fact, it can be sent directly through their website: The protection of the innocent and vulnerable in society is important, and it is part of our being Christian. Please take a  moment and stand up for life and those who have no voice within society, the pre-born...

Holy Communion, Reception and Reverence

Continuing on from my discussion on Holy Communion in the hand, it is important to note, and what I find most people think, it was not part of Vatican II. In fact, the petitions and permissions granted around Holy Communion in the hand was only arrived at in 1969. I find that some people like to adhere to reception in the hand as being so important because they believe it was part of the Council, but no where in the Council documents is any allusion to this. If you are interested in reading a short piece on the recent developments of Holy Communion in the hand, I would like to recommend: Holy Communion in the Hand? , by Paul Kokoski. I believe he does a good job in highlighting the 20th century development of this practice. It is well worth the read. The fact of the matter is that when this practice was being allowed in 1969, it was not strongly encouraged and the majority of the Bishops looked down upon it, and for good reason. It is well noted of the thefts that have occurred as ...

Bishop Athanasius Schneider - EWTN - 1/2013

Bishop Athanasius Schneider speaking on EWTN, January 9, 2013. A very edifying talk on the Eucharist and the Church.

The Slippery Slope of Reception in the Hand

I have had something ratting around in my head for some time, and believe me it is something aside from the loose nuts and bolts. Ever since my return to Catholic Church, I have noticed, heard, and read about how many lay people and sometimes even priests do not reverence or even comprehend the True Presence of Christ in Eucharist. Many ideas have been put out from lack of catechesis, to the infiltration of Protestantism into Catholicism and an emphasis being put on the idea of banquet or table instead of a sacrifice. Depending on how one looks at the situation, there can be many factors which contribute to the current situation, but one that stands out in my mind and is MY personal opinion is what has transpired in the 50 or so years in the dealing with the Eucharist. As I write this, please keep in mind that I am not pitting the Extraordinary Form against the Novus Ordo, but there cannot be denied that certain developments, such as the reception of the Eucharist in the hand have c...