Life is quite amusing. It becomes all the more hilarious when people use terms and words which they don't truly comprehend. For example, pharisee. Yes, that is right, pharisee. I had the privilege of someone, in not so many words, say that I sound like a pharisee; however, this person does not know me and the discussion, which was transpiring on a mutual friend's Facebook page, was about Eucharistic reception on the tongue and hand. My friend, who shall remain nameless, shared an experience that occurred and his feelings about Eucharistic reception, and of course, a discussion ensued. The reason the discussion progressed to a degree was due to the fact that we cannot receive the Eucharist on our tongue. This has been a diocese wide declaration due to H1N1; however, I made my opinion known that I felt this wrong not only because of the recent letter [you can see the letter here: ] that has bee...
I've been digging into your blog. Pascendi Dominici Gregis is a great launch point not only for identifying Modernism, but also exposes the intellectual chicanery of Agnosticism. Nice work.
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Ben Quivenit
Light and Darkness