Et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis (And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us). This is a great demonstration of the love and humility possessed by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, yet I find myself walking the streets of Singapore surrounded by an endless barrage of sales and secular symbols of Christmas. How my heart laments over the disregard of a such a momentous sacrifice bestowed upon man by a loving God who has found himself replaced by idols of materialism and capitalism. Our great Creator humbled himself to come into human form and as if this action were not enough, He came into this world in the most humble of circumstances; the son of a carpenter, born in a manger, destined to lead a life of simplicity. Being the King of Kings, He could have easily come into this world in a prominent social family, but He chose to lead by example. Humility and charity would also be demonstrated by the Virgin Mary, His most blessed and chaste mother. Their...
I've been digging into your blog. Pascendi Dominici Gregis is a great launch point not only for identifying Modernism, but also exposes the intellectual chicanery of Agnosticism. Nice work.
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Ben Quivenit
Light and Darkness