
Showing posts from September, 2011

Stop Eucharistic Theft! Receive on Your Tongue.

Today I had the pleasure of being present in a Mass where the revised missal was being used. It was indeed enjoyable, but I was so tempted to do responses in Latin...LOL. I would have to say that it was nice to see a parish community so accepting of the changes and participating in the Mass. As much as I like the changes which have taken place, I must still say that in many ways I favor the EF, especially because the communicant receives on the tongue (and kneeling too). Now, before some people get there knickers in a bunch, listen to my reason why. I am not going to argue against reception in the hand because of the way that it is done now breaks from the tradition of the past, or even discuss argument and counter arguments regarding maturity of parishioners and whether they are adult enough to receive in their hands, etc. Rather, I wish to draw attention to the sacrilege of our Lord. I could bring forward points about the the sacred particles in the Eucharist and how each one...

Catholic Teachings on Homosexuality (Video)

This is a presentation of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, specifically on homosexuality,marriage,and the family by Fr. Michael Rodriguez and in my opinion it is quite insightful and in keeping with the faith. To those who may watch this and be offended, I can only say that I am sorry; however, Fr. Rodriguez is speaking truthfully and candidly on Catholic teachings, and his words are not to condemn but educate all, especially as regards sinful acts and policy which erodes and destroys the family. Enjoy!

Relying on God

We have no power, but that which is given from above. It was a point that Jesus made clear to Pilate during His passion. All power on earth, all that we have and possess is bestowed upon us by God. This is a point that we would strive to remember as we go through our daily lives. Even our choices are a gift from God; hence, free will. Recognizing that all power and strength comes from above, we should constantly have recourse to our loving Father, for it becomes futile to go about living merely by our own strength which will surely fail us at some point or another, especially when it comes to true Christian living. Human kind has a predisposition to sin.   This is of course a result of our ancestors fall from grace and it is for this reason that we must battle concupiscence (inclination and weakness drawing us to sin).   Still, more important to note, is that fact that we are often engaged in battle, but our battle is not with people per se; ...