Last night, I sat praying before going to bed and as I went through my prayers, I happened to look upon " Quam Singulari " again, and it struck me straight in my heart. As I read, this particular statement jumped off the page at me: "From all this it is clear that the age of discretion for receiving Holy Communion is that at which the child knows the difference between the Eucharistic Bread and ordinary, material bread, and can therefore approach the altar with proper devotion. Perfect knowledge of the things of faith, therefore, is not required, for an elementary knowledge suffices-some knowledge (aliqua cognitio); similarly full use of reason is not required, for a certain beginning of the use of reason, that is, some use of reason (aliqualis usus rationis) suffices." Beautifully written, the statement explains that knowledge need not be perfect, but that the child should have an understanding that the Eucharist is not ordinary bread, and should be...