Passing Judgement on the Anti-Modernist

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns and my life abounds with such things. This is especially true because I am an outspoken and apologetic Catholic. However, I do find it quite amusing that in this day and age where so many speak the words "judge not, lest ye be judged," that I am often judged by mere speculation and not by factual means. As a result, my actions may be seen as less than charitable or rabble rousing; however, I speak in charity. Still, my stating "I speak in charity" will more than likely be misunderstood because people misunderstand the fundamental meaning of charity. Charity is NOT a warm fuzzy feeling nor does it always evoke such a warm reaction. Charity is love, but not eros love or anything of the sort; rather, it is the love of God for man and man for God; it is a selfless love and love of neighbor. We are all called to love as God loves, which means we desire to bring all to Him. Therefore, to truly be charitable means to speak the truth and/or lead people to that truth, so while my ways may not be your ways, look at the substance and the way that it is presented. Too many speculate and gossip about things without taking the time to gain the facts.

In truth, I am called to follow my conscience and my conscience, as long it is in keeping with the Church, (Veratatis Splendor) cannot be ignored. My conscience and my love of God has brought me to the point where I feel it necessary to speak Gospel and if need be, correct my brother in error. Now, this is not being judgemental per se; rather, it is doing was St. Thomas Aquinas described in Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 33, Article 2; it is fraternal correction, which we are called to do. While it may be true that circumstances must be taken account, as regards when or where, but the errors which have manifested over society require a greater response, as there are very little, to no buffers as concerns the spreading of those errors. Therefore, I and many others have taken to a media response, not to condemn, but to bring to light the smoke of Satan which has creeped into the Church, which popular society would opt to ignore, and to encourage Catholics to strive to correct errors which exist and rectify conditions that may exist in their own lives by knowledge and information; essentially, gaining what they lack in their life by following Christ and embracing His truth. Yet, how can one ever embrace truth if they don't understand the folly of error? How can one strive forward in the spiritual life if they are not called to question and reflect upon himself and soul search?

Ultimately, one may not like what I write, or my approach to things; however, if it is because it causes a stinging sensation within yourself and causes to you question things around you; then, greater reflection is needed because the fact of the matter is that your dislike may be your will wanting to be stagnant while your soul is be called to more. However, if you disagree with me because of other things, then that is fine, as you have free will. I cannot force anyone to see what I see or take the path that I have taken. You can choose and reject anything you want. That is part of what makes us human. Still it should be remembered by those who have passed judgement on me that the truth hurts.

I hope some will take the time to watch the Vortex episode by Michael Voris and consider his points charity and on Luke 7:23:  "And blessed is he whosoever shall not be scandalized in me." Again, we are called to preach the truth; we believe that to be Jesus Christ and His Church, and we are called to bring that message to ends of the earth whether people accept it or not.

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