
Showing posts from December, 2011

Suffering and Solace

Life is hard. There is no denying that and in our difficulties, we will often find that our minds wander and questions arise; especially, questions regarding the existence of God. Amazingly, this a is question that is common among people, even those who truly believe. What I mean by this is that no one can truly believe in God, unless as some point or another they questioned whether he existed or not and put their logic to the test, but I can without a doubt tell you that He is real. Being that God is real, and He created us, we must always strive to be pleasing to Him in all thoughts, words and actions. Yet, the question of our human suffering may then rear its ugly head and say: "why must I be unhappy? Why does God permit me to suffer?" Yet, the great answers to these questions is that it is part of our fallen nature. It was the decision of our first ancestors, Adam and Eve, and their disobedience which allowed us to enter state where suffering is permitted; h...