Abortion is legal but not moral
A good friends of mine recently put up a post which described that some thing that is legal is not always moral, and I believe there are countless examples throughout history which attest to this, but the two big examples that immediately come to mind are slavery and the holocaust. Both instances allowed humans to be gazed upon as less than human and therefore allowed to be treated with the dignity that human being deserves. Because of the lack of recognition of their human dignity we can see that so many were tortured, killed, exploited in many ways. Today, we still have many things that are legal but not ethical, case and point, abortion. Abortion denies the fundamental protection and recognition that a person deserves in the womb. The law acts in a fashion that belittles and degrades a human in development, and this is not do say that mothers do not have rights, but since when is it a good thing to have the power of life and death over another person purely at one's whim. ...