Catholic Parents Must Defend Their Children from Erroneous Views on Sexuality
The Family is cornerstone in the education of a child and this fact has been reaffirmed by the Pontifical Council for the Family. This primary role as an educator is especially true when it come to matters of sexual education. As parents, there exists a sacred duty to not only provide children with physical essentials for living, but also the spiritual. Lately, I have spent a great deal of time reading about Catholic morality and browsing through works such as Humae Vitae , Evangelium Vitae , Theology of the Body , The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guideline for Education within the Family and all lead to the same beautiful conclusions of the dignity of the human body and how love is trivialized by artificial contraception. In fact, contraception is considered an intrinsic evil, as it not only leads to the violation of the truth of the conjugal act, but also leads to trivialization of human life. Parents have the duty to not only be knowledgeable in matters pertaining ...